Victoria 8, Victoria 8 HD, et al Load Error Message

I get an error message when loading Victoria 8, Victoria 8 HD, PD Duffy HD for V8, (and maybe others in the V8 realm...I don't know as I haven't tried them yet). I click "Ok" on the error message dialogue box and the figure seems to load okay (not sure if anything is missing or not).

The error message is:


DS Missing Files

Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content may not work as expected.

The following files could not be found:

volumes/di2/online store/dtg/olivia v8/olivia.duf


I uninstalled Victoria 8 and reinstalled it, but I still get this error message. Anyone else experience this, and, if so, what did you do to fix the problem? I have no idea what the "olivia.duf" file is or where to find it if it's not part of the Victoria 8 files set.

Thanks for your help,



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I had that, contacted the vendor of Olivia and they have released an updated file (file 1). If I recall correctly I manually deleted the install first befiore the update worked.

  • SimonJM,

    Thanks for the input. Unfortunately, I don't have any Olivia characters. I wish I did, so I could do as you mentioned. What I don't understand is why a file called Olivia has anything to do with Victoria 8. Oh well. Hopefully there isn't anything missing from the Victoria 8 load, even though I get the error message.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    That is the exact same message I got after I installed the Olivia character I bought from 'rosity.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    @Tacit Illusion (R.A. Christian)

    Olivia.duf would be found in your library in People / Genesis 8 Female / Characters / DTG / Olivia .

    Take a look, what do you have to lose? Most of us have bought and installed something, then forgot about it.

    I definitely don't have Olivia and don't get those messages.

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