Daz3D version of Texture Transfer tool

in New Users
Poserr has a tool that enables movement of a texture / material on one prop to be transferred easily to another. Is there an equivalent in Daz3D....or a technique that accomlishes the same?
copy paste works in surfaces if same sort of shader ie iray uber, DZdefault, dual lobe whatever etc
not always if not
ok, thxs for the reply. maybe I was thinking a more universal tool for all situations. I can envision a tool that might grab even the texture from a section of wardrobe and applying it to a nearby chair seat. Or take the texture I like from one piece of clothing and use it on any other I might have loaded. ...or is this simply not a feasible expectation... ?
@ bsheers2003
What you'r asking for is technicaly impossible. Keep in mind that every geometry item like figures, clothes and props have their own UV-map layout based on the different geomerty and also different surface names for the materials to apply.
There is a tool called Map Transfer in Daz Studio but this is pretty advanced to work with and you have to have two diffrent UV-Layouts for the same geometry to use it.
Just look at some textures from diffrent clothes in the DazStudio library folder MyLibrary/Runtime/Textures... the texture maps are placed and distorded different on the two dimensional images for every item. Lets say a if you look at a texture from a eg. vertical striped Tshirt, the stripes in the image arent necessary straight lines and the shape isnt the same like for pants.
You can use an image editor and try to copy & paste some parts of the textures to another but the UV-Layout is important here.
Therefore Material Presets from the DazStudio library can also only be applyed to the item it is made for because it is looking for the surface names to apply textures and shader / material settings.
What you may want are some sort of Iray shaders eg. Everyday Fabric Shaders Iray
With the so called procedual Iray shaders it is diffrent. They are using seamless tiles (a repeating pattern fitting together at all edges) and somehow they can be applyed to any item I think - there must be some sort of UV-Projection going on but I dont know how they work - others may can explain it better.
very helpful. maybe I read a piece of info on those Iray seamless tiles and in my mind thought to use that concept everywhere. ok. thxs much for the trouble of your experience....
Yea seamless tiles are the universal texure type and are used for all kinds of stuff. Beside of those Iray Shaders its commonly used on simple geometry shapes like planes, walls, foors ect. with a so called panar UV-map where the polygons on the UV are most likely square. You can easily setup such textures in the DazStudio in the Surfaces pane. In every Shader like the DazDefault there should be a parameter for horizontal and vertical tiles.
There are Tutorials on the web to create your own seamless textures - in Photoshop it is simple if you know how and I bet you can easily find a bunch of free seamless texture packages for download.
If you plan to create your own textures for some clothing and things in an image editor I would recomend you to add an half tranparent image layer of the UV-Map on top of your texture. This way you know where to paint and on wich area you paint on.
There is a tool called UVMapper you can download the free classic version and it can show you the UV-layout and can save an image of it. The same can be done within the blender UV-Editor.
There are also programs and technics to paint directly on the 3D model maybe you can try blender for that. Either way its always a challenge to use a 2D image and wrap it around a complicated 3D shape.
I downloaded that tool and looks like it could be very handy. thxs again much