Cut off Viewport

Hi Daz Community, this is my first post. That being said, I have been using DAZ Studio since they released 2.0. Love the versatility, the store content,  plus I think iray is great. All that aside I recently had to buy a new computer and that means I had to reinstall Daz 4.9. Well I have done so but my viewport is cut off so I can't see the actual focus of the camera. I have attached a screenshot showing what is happening. I am currently running  the latest version of Daz 4.9, I used the insall manager to download,  install..etc. I am running Windows 7 and have a Amd graphics card (I can render with no problems). I am hoping to fix the viewport issue. If anyone has experinced something similar  or knows about the issue and can point me int the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks for looking!!



683 x 384 - 108K


  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited September 2017

    Thats a well known issue that I had too - dont let the Viewport and the Shader Mixer be docked in the same tab group - thats the problem.

    Its allowed to dock the tabs everywhere but some dont like to be in the same group - like in real life.wink

    I've discovered a common issue with the Pane Groups or also called Doking Areas - As far as I understand - it has something to do with that some tabs need a minimum of space to show their interface others need less but the tab that needs the most space can mess up the sizing of other taps docked in the same group.

    Yea its a big mess and even Daz cant decide if they call these things TABS or PANES.cheeky


    Shader Mixer is for advanced users who wants to create theyr own shaders you can close it for now and open it just if needed, or you can drag and drop the shader mixer tab from the top row that is used also by the Viwport and dock it to some of the side pannels. (You may have to disable the Lock Dockin/Undocking in the Workspace - MainMenu)


    I would recomend you to clean up the Workspace layout and save a new Layout @ Main Menu > Window > Workspace > Save Layout As.

    As I look at your screenshot I see there are so many tabs and toolbars cluttering around the viewport that you dont need most of the time and just take screenspace and only shrink down the vieport that is most important. Maybe this is the default layout and Daz want to show how may advanced functions this program offers - too may buttons just leads to confusions.

    Think of what you realy need most of the time. BTW all the Toolbar buttons with the more or less meaningfull symols you see at the screen can also be found in the top-MainMenu or tabs you only need for special task that you can open just if needed.


    1. Lesson Strip

    Who needs the lesson strip at the bottom? go to Main Menu > Window > Workspace > Enable Lesson Strip (disable it)

    More usefull at this place but disabled by default is the "Status Bar" to enable it right-click on some toolbar and select it in the context menu. It offers usefull tooltips like the ones you get by hovering over buttons but more imortant is that it offers a progress bar at the right side to show the progress of for example the smoothing modifier calculations.

    2. Toolbars

    I personaly prefer to use only one toolbar at the top. The vertical toolbars left and right at your current Workspace are useless at least for me - the left toolbar is just a copy of the MainMenu>File. The right side is a collection of things and functions you would use maybe once a week and all can also be found somewhere in the mainmenu.

    Thanks to the developers the DazStudio Interface is highly customizable therefore go to Main Menu > Window > Workspace > Cusomize

    I've created my own Toolbar here with the funktions I use the most - so its one click instead of hunting down the main menu for some entry - just drag and drop the funktions from theleft side to the right side into your new toolbar

    3. Tab Docking Area also called Pane Group

    Beside the top tab doking row there is a big mess of tabs everywhere especialy on the right side you should clean up the mess of more than one pane group in the vertical line (I can see at least two up-down arrows splitting up the vertical taps-group). You can have al least two vertical tap pannels (Pane Groups) side by side - see my screeshot - there is a little problem with resizing the width of the vertical Doking Areas if both are opend an one is allready very wide - but I can hadle this.

    With the default Layout the important Scene Tab is I think on the left and the Parameters are on the right side - I once asked myself why do I always have to move the mouse cursor from left to right over the screen to reach the most common things. So I decided to have all my tabs on the right side because Im right handed and now my mouse moves are shorter and faster and also I dont have to think of - is it found on the left or the right side.


    I've attached a screenshot of my DazStudio Workspace that makes sens for me - its a matter of the personal workflow how you use DazStudio.

    1920 x 1040 - 160K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I've discovered a common issue with the Pane Groups or also called Doking Areas - As far as I understand - it has something to do with that some tabs need a minimum of space to show their interface others need less but the tab that needs the most space can mess up the sizing of other taps docked in the same group.

    Yea its a big mess and even Daz cant decide if they call these things TABS or PANES.cheeky

    Panes is the correct name, they were called tabs for a while but fortunately adopted panes as the official term in DS 3 at the latest. Panes are found in Pane Groups, Pane groups can be floating or docked in a Docking Area. The terms are explained:

  • Thank you Syrus, I got it fixed with the info you provided. Also good to know about panes thanks Richard for that info as well.

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