Problem with lips syncronization

Dear all,


I'm trying to make the lips syncronization working on Daz 3D 32 bits.

I saw several tutorials and it looks very simple, but when I follow the procedure it doesn't work for me.

 I tried with genesis 2, 3 and 8, both male and female and I got always the same error:

"Some channels defined in the current configuration file could not be found on the figure. Lip-synching may not be as accurate as expected. See the log file for details."


And in the log file I have this output:

2017-09-24 16:11:28.532 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMIY' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMIH' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMEH' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMAA' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMOW' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMUW' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMER' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMS' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMSH' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMF' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMTH' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMM' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSML' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMW' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.008 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMT' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.024 Mimic warning: 'CTRLVSMK' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.024 Mimic warning: 'CTRLLipsPart' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.029 Mimic warning: 'CTRLLipBottomUp' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.029 Mimic warning: 'CTRLMouthOpen' speech channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.029 Mimic warning: 'CTRLBrowUpL' gesture channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.029 Mimic warning: 'CTRLBrowUpR' gesture channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.030 Mimic warning: 'CTRLEyesClosedL' gesture channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:45.030 Mimic warning: 'CTRLEyesClosedR' gesture channel not found on 'head:1'
2017-09-24 16:11:47.192 Mimic TalkBack Raw Phoneme Data Error: Can't open file


Please help!!

Best regards,



  • Does the log say which .dmc file it is trying to open? Have you installed the files for the figures (I can't recall which, if any, are included in the base packages and which require a separate installation).

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