Lost and Found + Missing Product Images

Hi.  So I have had to re-install everything since my HDD failed and I lost everything.  I used DIM, luckily I didn't have to re-download everything since that was all on a different drive.  On first opening of the Application I noticed that I had 1600+ items out of over 4000+ items in my Lost and Found.  Many (like over half of these items) are missing the product image thumbnails.  What the heck is happening here?

Would resetting the DB and Re-importing Meta fix this?



  • Are you sure your DIM zips were up-to-date?

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Wouldn't DIM update products when I open it?

  • Geminii23 said:

    Wouldn't DIM update products when I open it?

    If it was connected to your Daz accounbt, yes, but not if you worked off-line with previously downloaded .zips.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    Geminii23 said:

    Wouldn't DIM update products when I open it?

    If it was connected to your Daz accounbt, yes, but not if you worked off-line with previously downloaded .zips.

    Ok, so I have now uninstalled everything in the DIM except DAZ itself.  I then made use to turn off any options for Poser since I don't use it.  I deleted all installation files and redownloaded everything through DIM, I then stop and restarted the CMS, reset the database and re-import all meta.  So essentially this is like a clean install of DAZ.  Now I have 2748 total products (probably about right without installing any Poser duplicate stuff).  Of that total I now still have 639 that showed up in Lost and Found.  Of that 336 show as greyed and available to be installed.  I assume this means they didn't download via DIM and can be installed via Connect.

    I am still not really understanding why there are so many items showing up in the Lost and Found and why so many items didn't download through DIM.  Any ideas of what else I can do?


  • Don't forget, if you are in the products tab of Smart content, that an item will show in Lost and Found even if it has only one file in that category - possibly something like a store or readme link - with all its other files in proper categories.

    While there are a few items thata re Connect Only it isn't 336 - are you sure they weren't hidden in DIM because of your filter settings?

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Don't forget, if you are in the products tab of Smart content, that an item will show in Lost and Found even if it has only one file in that category - possibly something like a store or readme link - with all its other files in proper categories.

    While there are a few items thata re Connect Only it isn't 336 - are you sure they weren't hidden in DIM because of your filter settings?

    I tried to filter out everything and delete.  Then re-downloaded all products (2900+). A lot of the products showing in Lost and Found were installed via DIM but show grey as if they need to be installed via Connect now.  I just tried reinstalling DAZ itself.  Still same thing.  I also noticed that now every item in the DIM has no checkmark under teh DB icon.  As if nothing has metadata anymore.

    I am thinking I need to remove everything and start over entirely.  But I can't find any info in the forums on how to do a full uninstall and then clean install on MAC.

  • Geminii23 said:

    Don't forget, if you are in the products tab of Smart content, that an item will show in Lost and Found even if it has only one file in that category - possibly something like a store or readme link - with all its other files in proper categories.

    While there are a few items thata re Connect Only it isn't 336 - are you sure they weren't hidden in DIM because of your filter settings?

    I tried to filter out everything and delete.  Then re-downloaded all products (2900+). A lot of the products showing in Lost and Found were installed via DIM but show grey as if they need to be installed via Connect now.  I just tried reinstalling DAZ itself.  Still same thing.  I also noticed that now every item in the DIM has no checkmark under teh DB icon.  As if nothing has metadata anymore.

    I am thinking I need to remove everything and start over entirely.  But I can't find any info in the forums on how to do a full uninstall and then clean install on MAC.

    Older products without metadata (and thus proper categories) will land in Lost & Found.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    Geminii23 said:

    Don't forget, if you are in the products tab of Smart content, that an item will show in Lost and Found even if it has only one file in that category - possibly something like a store or readme link - with all its other files in proper categories.

    While there are a few items thata re Connect Only it isn't 336 - are you sure they weren't hidden in DIM because of your filter settings?

    I tried to filter out everything and delete.  Then re-downloaded all products (2900+). A lot of the products showing in Lost and Found were installed via DIM but show grey as if they need to be installed via Connect now.  I just tried reinstalling DAZ itself.  Still same thing.  I also noticed that now every item in the DIM has no checkmark under teh DB icon.  As if nothing has metadata anymore.

    I am thinking I need to remove everything and start over entirely.  But I can't find any info in the forums on how to do a full uninstall and then clean install on MAC.

    Older products without metadata (and thus proper categories) will land in Lost & Found.

    Yes, I understand that.  But why would Genesis 2 Starter Essentials and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials be in Lost and Found.  There is clearly something wrong with my DAZ install.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2017

    Ok, so I completely removed and re-installed everything today.  I dug deep into my Mac too and wiped out the hidden Library files even.  Did a clean install of DAZ and all products through DIM.  As far as I can tell things seem to be working correctly.

    But I still now have a total of 52 products showing up in the Lost and Found.  I still don't understand why some of these are in there such as Genesis 2 Starter Essentials.  I do see that you can go into all these Products and find what item(s) are the problem and re-categorize them.  But I fail to understand why DAZ is not addressing this.  I have tried to update Meta and re-install as well.  No luck.

    So an oddity I see is that now my Smart Content is only showing 1762 installed products out of my total 2972 showing in DIM.  I do see the proper check marks now under the DB column though, so that is fixed as well.  I found a total of 656 installed items in the DIM that have no meta.  So the math is still not adding up here by nearly 500 items.

    Now my issues are A) that I have at least 656 items that are only accessible through the cumbersome Content Library/Products List.   And B) I have a bunch of items that are showing as Unassigned in Smart Content and there seems to be no way to fix this.  Ugh.

    Does anyone know what I can do about all of this.  I can't believe that everyone working with DAZ is dealing with half of their installed Products having issues like this.


    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • Yes, both the Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials have some files in Lost and Found, some with a type tag and some without - yyou could open a ticket to report these.

    The counts in DIM and DS are not going to match - DIM is not counting products, it's counting zips and some products will have more than one (depending on your filter options), a few items are Connect-only, and others are DIM only (for example, the ExP morph system used in the fourth generation daz figures doesn't yet work in Connect).

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2017

    Yes, both the Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials have some files in Lost and Found, some with a type tag and some without - yyou could open a ticket to report these.

    The counts in DIM and DS are not going to match - DIM is not counting products, it's counting zips and some products will have more than one (depending on your filter options), a few items are Connect-only, and others are DIM only (for example, the ExP morph system used in the fourth generation daz figures doesn't yet work in Connect).

    OK.  Thank you for eplaining that. I never knew that.  So I suppose the only option would be for me to start recategorizing stuff, and editing the metadata to get items into the Smart Contel tab.  I will open a ticket for the items that are showing up in Lost and Found and unassigned.  Thanks

    Post edited by Geminii23 on
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