Info for Mac Users Regarding OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite et al

Info for Mac Users Regarding OS X Lion and Mountain Lion
# Bryce 7 is Not currently compatible with OS X 10.7 and above. (this is stated on both the Product Page and the Tech Specs for the program.)
# Bryce 7 is not currently in the Dev cycle
# Bryce 7 was released before OS x 10.77 was released by Apple
# Bryce 7 dev cycle was wound up before the release of OS X 10.7
# A member of the DAZ 3D Management Team did say, a while back, that working on getting Bryce 7 to work with the newer OS Xs will be a priority when Bryce enters the dev cycle again.
# There has been no date given for when Bryce will re-enter the dev cycle.
# Some Mac Users have been successful in getting Bryce 7 working either under parallels or using Boot Camp.
# Some Mac users say that The best method of getting Bryce to work on an iMac machine made this decade is to get a copy of Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and install this system on a hard drive partition. Then boot your computer from this system, and load this partition up with your legacy software.
Snow Leopard is still available online at various outlets, 10.6 is still available from the Apple Store for $19.99 however you can not install it to a Mac that shipped with an OS later than 10.6.