Strange Assets Needed Requirements in DS

When I load the Harpwood Trail Mallard Pond it seems to prompt the download of lots of other products. Hemlock Folly, Tangy Apple Orchard and Ultra Scatter? Yet Harpwood TRail is the only thing listed as required. 

Can someone explain why this is happening?


  • It would be happening because content in the scene file is listed as belong to those products, which you own but don't have isntalled (at least, not in a way that DS recognises) so it's giving you  achance to isntall them. However,I have all those sets and - with the exception of UltraScatter - they aren't installed yet I received no alert loading several of the Mallard Pond environments. Are you loading the scenes from the product or scenes you'd created using it?

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    So maybe a configurational issue on my end then?


  • Or a database error of some kind.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    That actually makes some sense since I moved my content folder a few times.

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