Reuse - transfer of skin, skin mats to other figures

Reuse - transfer of skin, skin mats to other figures

Maybe I could just get someone well skilled in this area to post a few links to best known tutorials / videos etc for moving skin mats from character to character.   Specifically would like to be able to move Ilmare Charater Skins from Star! to V4 and or Genesis,  Presume this kind of thing is nearly an everyday routine for those above novice level, and perhaps the steps are laid out somewhere already.    Forum search did not really find it.   If anyone specifically has already done this with the Ilmare body paints, would appreciate those comments.            and thxs in advance...        Billy


  • Unlesss the destination figure has a UV set matching the original this is a non-trivial task. There are ways to do it, but they generally involve fairly advanced tools and a certain facility with tasks like reshaping one mesh to match another.

  • hmm     thxs for the reply..    since paints and tatoo 's only partially use the UV map they are placed on, perhaps there is a way to cut and paste the work done on on uv on top of another...?   

  • The UVs are not part of the image, the image is laid out to fit the UVs. If the part you want to use is away from seams (where two edges on the map meet) and not too distorted it may be trasferrablem if it crosses a seam almost certainly not

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