Render time

Hello! I'm currently rendering a 1400x1600 on a GTX NVIDIA 1050 and it has been more than an hour and my render is still at 0%. I only have 2GB on it though. It is also set to render on the card and not the CPU. Is my Daz broken or something? It never took so long.


Post edited by Genevieve Laroche on


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Are you sure it has not fallen back to using your CPU(s) only?  If VRAM is exceeded it will do so, regtardless of your options of what to use for rendering.

  • Genevieve LarocheGenevieve Laroche Posts: 33
    edited September 2017

    Yes, it has fallen back to CPU. Will it ever render then or rebooting my computer would help?

    Post edited by Genevieve Laroche on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    It will complete, but it will take longer - rebooting wil only put you back at square one; having to start again and unless you reduce the VRAM fooprint it will just do the same again and fall back to using the CPU(s).

  • Thank you!

  • Note that "how long it takes to render" depends much more on scene complexity and exactly what your materials and light setup is like, than the actual pixel size of your render. Also, whether the scene falls back to CPU rendering depends mainly on the file size of textures in the scene; they're much more likely to overload your card's memory than the scene objects.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    I thought Iray required at least a 4GB card else it would always default o CPU...

  • Other way round; a render that falls back to CPU isn't doing it because the card has less than 4GB VRAM, it's doing it because the total amount of memory required to hold the scene is more than the card's got, whatever that is. It's possible to do Iray renders with less than 4GB, you just can't get a very complex scene within that limit.

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