In Install Manager, what does "CF" mean? Do I need CF files?
Many times Install Manager will list multiple install options for the same product. For example:
- CS Snaggletooth Caverns
- CS Snaggletooth Caverns StudioCF
The StudioCF or just CF part is usually small, but I can't tell any difference in the products whether I install it or not. I though maybe it was an add-on to create Smart Content links for older items, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
If I'm using DAZ Studio 4.9, are the CF files something I should install, or would it be good to skip them to save space? What do they do for me?
Post edited by Inkubo on
CF = Companion Files. PoserCF would usually be the files to go with the DSON Importer for Poser, BryceCF is usually a Bryce scene file into which the product can be added from DS via the bridge, StudioCF is usally DS materials for the Poser format base product.
Aha! So it seems I should indeed install the StudioCF ones for use with DAZ Studio 4.9, correct?
Probably...but the mats are generally older 3DL ones.
Thanks, both of you!
Hmmm. I have found that every product I have downloaded via DIM with a PoserCF file included ends up with a missing thumbnail in the Smart Content pane. And the product is then labelled WhateverCF. By the way, this problem also occurs with Ps files.
Since I only use DAZ 4.10, I stopped downloading the CF and Ps files and the products show up correctly in the Smart Content pane. ANd they seem to functon properly.
But the posts above would indicate I should download the CF files. Which would kill the thumbnails.
I'm not a tech savvy person, so if anyone can advise me in simplese, I'd apprecate it! Thanks
You don't need PoserCF's if you only use DS. If a product doesn't have a separate DS version, then you need the StudioCF.
As Mike says, you don't need the PoserCFs for DS. But it may be worth checking that the content directory you install to is listed in the Content Library pane under Poser Formats
Great. Thanks!
I am confused about this. I have both poser and studio. Should PoserCF's go in Poser and StudioCF's go in studio or should they both go into studio? Also I understand legacy
files are to go in studio. Is this correct?
In order to use PoserCFs in Poser Poser needs access to both the content diectory with the DSON core (DS native) files and the external library with the PoserCFs. In order to use Daz StudioCFs DS needs access both to the Poser Format content directory with the Poser files and the Daz Studio Format content directory with the CFs. There's no reason to put them in separate locations, though you can if you wish (just be aware that the PoserCFs/DSON Importer will be fastest if the DSON core files are in the first Poser content library).