does getting a new laptop matter?
hi all
i still have windows 8 and was thinking of getting a new laptop because the genesis 3 figures move so slowly. does it matter if i get a new (more powerful?) laptop and if so what would be the requisite specs in order for gen 3 figures to move faster. i'm not talking about just rendering. im talking about merely posing/moving the figures themselves, which is currently very slow with the g3 figures.
I know rendering isn't your only concern, but I'll start with that. If you're using Iray, a new laptop won't help much with rendering unless you get one that uses an NVIDIA graphics chip with lots of VRAM. I think there are few laptops that would fit the bill, and I'd expect them to be costly.
As for posing... What view settings are you using? I have a very powerful NVIDA graphics card on my workstation, and posing is maddenengly slow if I use the Iray preview view. For typical posing and moving the camera around, a texture-shaded viewport works pretty well for me, but if I really want speed and precision, I'll switch to Lit Wireframe view.
Check your specs on your current laptop: it could be you've got a capable machine, but to offer them at low prices, vendors often sell them with too little RAM memory. I remember a friend at work who got a great deal on a new Dell computer once, but found it absolutely unusable. When I checked into it, it turned out she bought it at the lowest price, without buying their expensive RAM upgrade, and it couldn't run two instances of Calculator at once without choking. We ordered RAM upgrades from, and that fixed it right up. Maybe a RAM upgrade could help your current laptop.
WOW what an excellent response. you were answering questions i didn't even ask but was going to. thank you very much. you've confirmed what i had always thought. a RAM UPGRADE (not necessarily the need to buy a whole new laptop) is exactly what i was thinking (a buddy of mine mentioned this to me a while back). once again thanks for your informative and VERY helpful response!!!!! also THANK YOU for the link. i've never heard of this service, but am definitely going to look into it!!
Check your settings in Studio and set display optimization to "Best" if it is not already and turn Antialiasing to "Off"
These two steps should improve your display performance
thank you for your input. i know about the optimization part but hadn't heard about the antialiasing thing. will try it.
did the antialiasing thing and it still is very slow (sigh)