Animating AMs Raccoon

Hi everyone; I was wondering if it could be possible to animate AMs Raccoon? I have this product and I am aware it does not include any animations, however I am wondering if some other type animal animated bones might work with it. Thanks for reading :o)


  • It's posable so it's animatable. If you are asking if someone else has, or will, make some animation sets the thread would be better moved to Product Suggestions (which you can do by editing the first post).

  • if you export it as a BVH and another animal's animation as a BVH you may be able to rename the bones in BVHacker to match and make it work.

    Not tried with him/her but have done so with other animals.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited September 2017

    actually Millenium cat stuff works on it

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • No Richard, not looking for any freebie. Just wanted to know if it's possible by perhaps using another animal's bvh file :o)

  • edited September 2017

    Wow th3digit, thank you. I think with a little tweaking that might just work :o)  Is there any other motions available in that cat package or perhaps another bvh or other type motion product?

    Post edited by michaelxm_a1dddd836b on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited September 2017

    well I unsure if I can link to the animation even if it were still available but there are others on other sites that would also work, the point is anything for the Millenium cat and probably the dog too should work, 

    there are some for sale for example on a site called Hivewire 3D you can google also I believe Renderosity and Content paradise

    The one I used was a very old one by KA06059 known also as Anymatter and no longer available, which he used to sell at Renderosity. years ago.

    he does sell a however bonus millennium cat animation with his HW3D cat motions

    His shareCG page is here but does not include his animal motions you may be able to send him a message

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Thanks for the info, th3digit. Didn't there used to be a site where you could pay them to create specific animations for your models? Seems I recall a place like that a few years back. Of course too, they would have to be Daz and/or Poser friendly :)

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