Mirror image whole scene

I think this is probably a newbee question, but I've look and looked.  I bought a room, and I can more camera(s) and the node with all the objects around, but what I would like to do is simply left-right flip the entire scene (highest node).  Under Parameters, there is a 'symmetry' but it wants to make a symmetrical of a person from a bone.  I select an object and it does not work.  Sorry for such an elementary questions.


  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    Can you set the X Scale node to -1 (or -100%)?

    Post edited by MarcCCTx on
  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926
    edited September 2017

    If not create an empty node drag everythin you want reversed into it. Try to leave the people out. And the X-scale -1. It should reverse everything (Unfortunately that includes road signs and any ither textures. I think its the middle one. Sorry, not at my machine.

    146 x 104 - 10K
    Post edited by MarcCCTx on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited September 2017

    I have two answers for you:

    1. It's easy. If what you want to mirror is symmetrical, like a long hallway you just want to double in size, add everything you want on one side, then create a new Group enclosing it all. Copy the Group and then move and rotate it to create the duplicated side. If there are a lot of polygons (lots of items or a few complex ones) inside the group, you might want to switch to a wireframe view method so you can move it all around without lag driving you crazy.
    2. It may be impossible. If you're trying to create a mirror image of something asymmetrical, like a person, you can copy them, copy the pose, swap the sides, and turn them around 180 degrees, but that won't give you a true mirror image. Any asymmetry will show up on the wrong side. Does that make sense? You'd need a way to swap the object's mesh vertices to swap its right side to the left, for example. I just tried putting a figure into a group and scaling the group's X axis to -100%. That was a disaster! And as you can see, light will fall wrong on the mirrored subject.
    Mirrored Group Disaster.PNG
    1010 x 715 - 1M
    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • Thanks for both solutions.  I ended up changing X-Scale from 100% to -100%.  So easy, make me feel a bit dumb.  Signs and stuff, I just flipped again.  I had to adjust camera a bit but now I have what I wanted.  Thanks to both of you.

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