Underwater Render

What is the easiest way to do an underwater render?


  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited September 2017

    Use a waterproof PC!

    But seriously, what effect are you looking for? SickleYield has a YouTube video for volumetric effects. She creates a dusty area in a train station, but that could help if what you want is atmospheric murkiness.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • Something like in the Marianna's trench, deep deep down there 

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited September 2017

    Here's another for discrete fog effects. I mention this in case you're looking for the effect of sand stirred up by some kind of activity: fighting sea creatures, the rotors of your passing submarine, etc. Skip to the 10-minute mark to see what you'll end up with. If that's not what you want, no need to get bogged down in the instructional part of the video.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
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