DAZ Reinstall

Hello everyone, I've just got into the world of rendering via Daz and find it all quite interesting. I'm working my way through the tutorials, but it would really help if you experienced users could confirm one thing:

My DAZ installation is a bit messy now as I've mucked about with some DAZ marketplace items and a few bits of free 3rd party content. My drive is also a bit of a mess and I'm going to clean up and defrag. If I completely uninstall the app, clean up the drive, then log in and download DAZ again, will it fully reinstall all the components again, along with the paid content?

I'll back up the few scenes I've built anyway onto a stick or Google Drive, but do these (along with your render gallery) automatically get backed up from your DAZ library to the DAZ cloud or server?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • The application and content are entirely separate, uninstalling the application won't remove content (or plug-ins and scripts thata re not part of the base isntall) and reinstalling won't install them. Freebies from elsewhere, or the freebies forum here, will usually require manual installation.

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