Is there a way to apply M4 textures made in Poser to G8 Male In Daz Studio?

Is there a way to apply M4 textures made in Poser to G8 Male In Daz Studio?

For reference, I have found the most beautiful and realistic male skin texture located here:

I want to apply his elements to my G8 Figure Michael but there are two main issues.

#1: He is for M4

#2: The designer created him using Poser 2012

In the product reviews area several buyers stated that he renders wonderful in Daz Studio, but I am assuming that they are using the M4 base character for their renders when I am wanting to use my G8 Male.

Is it possible for me to do this or am I going to have to buy M4 Base and use G1 Male?

Thanks in advance for any help!

P.S. What is wrong with animate2 for G8 characters. They look all funky and don't do the proper animations. Just a quick question!


  • use genesis, it has a M4 UV and can use the textures and can use animate

    There only one G8 animation in the store  compatible with Genesis 8 and its a sexy female walk

    the bones are completely different in Genesis 3 & 8 to previous DAZ figures so no aniblocks other than ones people made for them will work.

  • @th3Digit:

    Thank you so much for your response. My only concern is with quality and I fear that M4 is too... old (2008ish).

    Is M4 UV High Res better at producing realistic skin and face than say... G3 and G8 models? I noticed that the G8 male UV skins and textures do not appear to be as detailed as M4 UV high res. Am I correct? Sorry, I am new to this and trying to figure it out.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2017

    Cayman Studio is bringing out special UV sets with geometry that allows for older textures to be used on G3 and G8. The M4 to G8M hasn't been completed yet, though the G2M, M5 and M6 to G8M are already available:

    You'll have to change the UV map from Michael 5 (or Base Male) to Michael 4, otherwise the map won't work properly.

    For skin conversion to Iray, I can recommend V3Digitime's products; in this case

    He also has them for other Genesis generations, and I use the converters on a regular base.

    2600 x 2600 - 431K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • @th3Digit:

    Thank you so much for your response. My only concern is with quality and I fear that M4 is too... old (2008ish).

    Is M4 UV High Res better at producing realistic skin and face than say... G3 and G8 models? I noticed that the G8 male UV skins and textures do not appear to be as detailed as M4 UV high res. Am I correct? Sorry, I am new to this and trying to figure it out.

    well you do not need M4 

    Genesis 1 is both male and female too as well as having M4,V4 and K4 UV options and is free as part of the starter essentials

    buying M8 pro you may have even gotten M5 too which is a genesis morph and was a free option during the promo

  • @th3Digit:

    Thanks for the info!


    Wow, I was surprised to see a render of him! I looked at Cayman Studios products and found this: Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Michael 4

    Do you suppose that I should try to adapt Edin to M7 (which I own through a great sale) using that product or should I wait for Cayman to produce the M4>G8 UV (if they are actively doing so which I do not know)?

    I am looking at the supporting products for G1 through M4 and I think they are a little to outdated for me to want to start buying G1 and M4 products other than the base M4 and Edin which I own. Being new to this I think I want to stick with G3 and G8 giving that new product releases are on them.

    Also, why do I need to get a skin conversion to Iray? Doesn't M4 skin render with Iray currently in Daz Studio or is that an update that I need to apply through V3Digitime's product as you suggested?

    What is your advice BeeMKay?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2017

    I can't answer the question wether you should wait, or not. Cayman has a thread here, where you can ask if they will do it and how far down the horizon it is.

    I use all four generations, mostly G2, and as I have quite a bit of money invested in content for older stuff, I am not really going for G3/G8 at the moment. But when you start nw, the current figures are as good a start as any other, i.e. now that the PAs are making more for them, and you can uise G3 textures on G8. But it's really your own choice. You can always try out the G1&2 base figures for free.

    Also, to answer the previous question about the detail of M4 vs G8 maps: Yes and no. G8 maps are mostly high resolution at 4096x4096, while M4 maps can be much lower resolution, starting as low as 512x512. Then again, you will only need the high resolution materials when you do a closeup of the character, so when he's just lurking around in the background or you have a full body shot type of distance, you are fine with lower resolutions.

    That said, the older maps use a lot more different "source humans", and as such, you will have more different "unique" skins. That is probably what you notice about the "lesser details", as a PA has to temper with a lower range of resource skins rather than having a unique new one in high res available. That said, I'm not a PA and so this is just what I know from reading the forums about the topic.

    As for Iray conversion, that of course is up to you. DAZ Studio does an "on the fly" conversion to Iray materials, but you have no influence on the outcome. If you convert to Iray materials, you have full control over the materials, and can change settings like translucency to your liking.

    By the way, I've noticed some problems with this particular skin. The shoulder and Arms for unknown reasons use the bump map for the torso. If you do use Iray conversion, you'll have to check the maps, a well, it was quite a mess. (EDIT: I've added a duf file with the material preset. Not sure if it will work with the file references, as I have the Rendo content in a different content directory. The Legacy one is for use in DS 4.8, the other one for the current version of DS. You'll need the actual product of EdinburgM4 to make them work, too, as this is just a preset, no maps included.)

    Here's some render samples (after the mess was fixed...). The body and head morph is Michael 6 HD. I used a subdevision level of 2 for the render on both of the dudes. "Default" means it is the "out of the box" skin. I applied it to G1 first, then saved it as a material preset, and applied it to G2; afterwards. For the conversion, I then used V3Digitimes's converter. I adjusted the gloss level, and afterwards sorted out the mess of the maps of both, the unconverted and the converted version.

    I am also using this product so I can apply the UV of M4 to G2M:

    A full body front view:

    Front closup with backlights (see difference in the translucency of the ears).

    Closeup no backlights:

    And a render of the back...


    2009 x 2600 - 491K
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    2080 x 1664 - 378K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Rectorade21Rectorade21 Posts: 19
    edited September 2017

    First I would like to say that you have been of great help to me and I appreciate that! Second, there you go again flaunting Edinburgh and all of his manliness! You have amazing renders and lighting even for out of box samples you are showing me. Very well done I must say!

    You must understand that 14 days ago I knew NOTHING of 3D design so I have come a long way since then!

    I took your suggestion for G2 conversion into account but I have almost no materials for G2. I was able to acquire M4 and V4 starter bundles as well as a LOT of M4 clothing during the 85% off and freebie flash sale yesterday. It was GREAT!

    I decided to take advantage of Cayman's M4>G3 UV package. Also, I bought the V3Digitime's skin conversion to iray package you suggested in your first post.

    In regard to the texture mess for Edinburgh's shoulder and arms... honestly I looked at it and I cannot notice anything! Maybe it is because I am new and do not know what to look for,  but he looks great to me which is why, despite being so new, I have spent several days learning the advanced techniques that you vets utilitze with ease on the daily without giving it a second though; for me, this kind of stuff takes hours to pull off right now.

    So, back to my M4>G3 conversion. I followed the rules on the UV from Cayman and I have found that I am unable to adjust the G4 skin using Cayman's settings while it is loaded onto the Michael 7 G3 Male. I can load his textures and details just fine (except his manhood... since I don't have the pro version of Michael... FORGIVE me Edinburgh for removing them!) but I cannot adjust the gloss, trans, scatter, etc. unless I go back to the G1 Edinburgh, make the adjustments, save them as a materials preset (.DUF), go BACK to Michael 7 G3 Male, and then load the materials preset that I just saved. So far that is the ONLY way that I can adjust the skin properly for iray conversion. This seems a little time consuming, but I figure if I take some time to make some material presets on G1 that I feel will be used most commonly and save an entire range of them, it should not be too pressing for me to just load the preset I want on Michael 7 G3 Male once I have many to select from.

    One problem that I did run into while testing is that while rendering skin conversion to iray on M4, I noticed that Edinburgh's manhood is NOT accepting any of the iray conversions on color, gloss, trans, scatter, etc. I tried to right click in the scene pane and select all to make sure that everything was selected but it still is not converting. This means that if I use any nude art on Edinburgh his manhood will be very distorted compared to the rest of his body. Unless I am doing something wrong? Which is likely, since I am new.

    By the way, I made a quick post in Caymen's forum thread asking if they were working on M4>G8 conversion and if so what was the ETA. Thanks for the link to that as I could not find anything being a noob.

    Speaking of G8, I plan on hopefully converting Edinburgh to G8 since I can use the auto fit with G8 and all previous generations. I have a lot of M4 clothing that I would love to use on G8 with Edinburgh. I even found a great free script in this forum which converts G3 poses to G8 properly so that I have more range for poses.

    Just curious, what G2 male body and face shape are you using to apply your Edinburgh textures? It is very nice! I know it is not the default G2 male because his facial features are not that defined.

    Lastly, I want you to know that you are awesome and thanks so much for taking time to help me. Your kindness is appreciated more than you will ever know! :)

    P.S. I was not able to use your .DUF files since I am using G3 male for Edinburgh and yours is for G2.

    Post edited by Rectorade21 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2017

    Don't worry about the noob thing. I still feel like one after almost four years, and I know I haven't even scratched the surface of what the program can do, and what is possible. There's only one thing I can suggest, and that is experiment. Also, joining the newbie contest is a great way of learning things. You will get one on one feedback and suggestions on your WIP, and through that, you'll learn lots of valuable tricks and facts. You'll find them here:

    Honestly, I don't have much experience in converting the male parts, as the characters I render usually don't have the anatomical elements applied, and those who have, I stay within the "translatable" range of G1&G2.

    What you could do for the Iray conversion is, select the Gen surfaces, then go to Shader Preset--> Iray Ueber, and there select the Iray Base shader. That should convert the Gen material to Iray, and you can then try and change the settings, like copying the hue and all from the main body. It's a bit time consuming, but it should give you a proper result.

    The shape I used is Michael 6 with his HD morph. Like I mentioned, I use G2 for most of my renders, and the HD morphs can also be used to enhance other characters, i.e. if you mix M6 into another character.

    As for lights... it's worth investing into learning how the lights in DS work, because you render depends a lot on lighting. There are a few great lights&rigs in the store to save time in setting up the scene lights, but it really depends on what type of scenes you intend to do.

    As for the presets, you can always apply them on G2M, and have a look at the surface settings, to compare with your own results. Like I said, I tweaked the settings a bit (the converter for G2 is a bit more comfortable, also in regards to options, and gen transfer), but I'd also recommend studying the professional ones by a PA, in case you buy G3 content. That's how I learned a lot, too.


    Post edited by BeeMKay on
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