Meaning of Error Message

dash2128dash2128 Posts: 727

My lip-sync and Mimic Live plug-ins are almost ready.

But Mimic Live is sending me the messages I've attached, below.

One of the messages appears on startup- the other two when I try to use Mimic, or try to configure the character (Configure File). 

The configuration process doesn't seem to be working correctly.  The character is genesis2, I wonder if g2 is not supported; I believe Aiko, Genesis and Victoria are supported.  (I'm sure what or where 'log' is, on the 'Error Starting Capture' message.)

How should I proceed, considering these message?.  

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  • I don't use Mimic so not much help but the first message sound like it is missing the .ini file, have you checked if it's actually there or maybe in some other directory ?

    Have a peek at the log file and see if it helps (Help/Troubleshooting/View log) if there is anything helpful there ?

  • Thank you!

    I'm still working on the problem, but you helped me locate the log.  I tried reinstalling, but that didn't work, so I'm going to have to figure something out.  I noticed that the configuration files look...well, I don't know if they are actually downloaded properly; but they are listed.

    understanding the 'DzMimic error' message is going to be necessary.  And the problem seems to appear at the 'configuration file' point of trying to operate Mimic.


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  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 727
    edited September 2017

    Config files on right


    Post edited by dash2128 on
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