Exporting to iclone

Hi, this is my first post here so i hope i have placed it in the right spot- apologies if not. i was wondering if anyone can help me with some questions regarding exporting Daz items to Iclone. i have exported propas and character genesis 1 and 2 male and female but i wasn't sure whether i can export other characters e.g. Michale M4 etc. am i able to do this? Secondly- can i export motions to Iclone?

Thanks- any feedback very much appreciated



  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    I believe there are a couple of good V4 to Iclone migration videos on youtube by a guy called 'warbird' or something similar. I would bet the Iclone channel links to them - if not, a youtube search will find the guy, and his channels are probably easy enough to navigate. I recall they were pretty comprehensive and clear/easy-to-follow.

    I think the workflow is pretty close to the genesis 1 (and 2/3?) DS-to-Iclone videos that Iclone produced, but I think DAZ/Iclone have a export/mapping file for Genesis that you probably have to (re)create (or find?) for the Mil4 characters. Check the above 'warbird' (?) videos.

    Good luck, and tell us what you learn!


  • Thanks for the response mindsong. i will have a go on the weekend and let you know how it went. I think it is warlord he has a lot of videos on youtube related to iclone. i will go back and do a search. cheers.Ian


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    indeed - warlord it is. He did a specific V4 'transfer' overview at one point. I assume it's still there. I hope it helps you along!



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