OK I give up -- Where is it !

I'm embarrassed to ask this question.  Trying to learn more about DAZ Studio so I purchased "DAZ Studio Beginner to Advanced," the tutorial by Fugazi1968 ironman13.

I've checked the product page that describes all the topics covered, which sounds great. However, there is nothing there about how to access the tutorial after you've bought and downloaded it.  I'm obviously missing something.  Help would be greatly appreciated.

--- Victorio


  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    Look under General in My Library and you should see the videos etc installed there.

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    It's probably under ironman as well.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited September 2017

    How did you install it? DIM? Unzip?

    I used DIM to install to my 'general' directory (E:\general), then went to the "Installed" tab, right-clicked on the product and selected "Show Installed Files" to get the file list. Clicking on the first link in the list popped up the explorer window.  From there it's just a double-click on one of the files to play it (I use vlc as a player). As you can see from the explorer path, the content installed to E:\general\General\ironman13\DAZ Studio Beginner to Advanced\01 Intro and Workspace Customization.


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  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    Did you use DIM to download it? I use DIM for Daz Studio content but for everything else I download the zip file from my Product Library page. That way I know where everything is.

  • The support here is really great!  smiley  Thank you all for your help.

    Yes, I downloaded the tutorial using the DIM.  In the future, I'll d/l non-DAZ Studio content manually.

    (Just wondering, how DO you install new content into DAZ if you did downloaded it manually?)

    --- Victorio


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited September 2017

    Well, I pull up the folder MyContentLibrary (I have my stuff installed to a different drive but the names remain the same lol).  Once that is opened it should have your product library folders.  Download whatever it is your are downloading and open the file to the point where it says things like data, runtime, people etc and drag and drop into the open content library. It should ask if you want to merge file i.e runtime etc.  You say yes.  Let me see if I can take a screen shot of what i mean.  Its really not hard once you know where things are.

    Okay, the  first one is the folder you are looking for to put your content INTO.  I believe on a c drive its in my documents or public documents, daz3d.

    the second is to show you what NOT to drag and drop into the mycontentlibrary folder, you want to open the Content folder.  It THAT folder is the runtime folder you want to drag and drop into your library.  Many times it will have three or four things to drag and drop, like data, people, props or whatever.  Hope that helps! Edied to add that my library may look different than your library as I have added things like character conversions etc. in certain files that a regular library may not have so don't panic if you don't see everything in my library in yours.


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  • This is also how you would get third party and freebie items into your library as well.

  • Victorio said:
    (Just wondering, how DO you install new content into DAZ if you did downloaded it manually?

    The manually downloaded .zip and the DIM download are identical, so all you need to do is what DIM does automatically — open the .zip, open your live content folder location, and copy the contents of the .zip /Content/ folder into the matching folders in your content location. Note that this is straightforward on a Windows PC, but a bit awkward on a Mac, due to the way OSX does folder copy/pasta.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642
    Victorio said:

    The support here is really great!  smiley  Thank you all for your help.

    Yes, I downloaded the tutorial using the DIM.  In the future, I'll d/l non-DAZ Studio content manually.

    (Just wondering, how DO you install new content into DAZ if you did downloaded it manually?)

    --- Victorio


    If you want to install Daz Studio content manually then unzip the file and copy everything from the Content folder into your library folder. My library folder is My Documents\Daz 3D\Studio\My Library which I think is the default but I have seen earlier verions of Studio use other default locations.

    The main advantage of using DIM is that it keeps track of the version it has installed. When things are updated it will tell you and installl the latest version. Another advantage is that if you want to try a beta version of Studio it can setup the release and beta versions on the same computer so you can use either. This is why I use DIM for Daz Studio content and the Daz Studio, Bryce, Carrara and Hexagon applications. I do manual installs for everything else. As a long time Poser user I prefer to organise Poser content myself.

  • You folks are very helpful Thanks to you all.

    --- Victorio

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