Making model symmetrical (in daz studio or hexagon)

I screwed up on a G8F sculpt I've been working on and off for a long time - there's some assymetry, which is making it hard for me to continue fixing some sculpting errors.

Is there a way, either in daz studio or hexagon, to force an assymetrical sculpt to become symmetrical? Force the left side to look like the right side?


  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited September 2017

    You can import the morph to Daz Studio & use the box on the import screen that says Morph Mirroring and use left to right or right to left whichever you prefer (screen shot attached)

    I have used this method and found some morphs appear a bit off, (like there is a line down the middle of the nose) but this effect can easily be fixed in your modelling program

    I have no idea if you can do the same thing in Hexagon


    832 x 402 - 48K
    Post edited by Tottallou on
  • pepeschliemannpepeschliemann Posts: 41
    edited September 2017

    Thank you Totallou!


    Just a note, for people who might find their way here thorugh google: the character you're applying the mirror morph to must be "untranslated" e.g. x y z should be 0. They should be placed in the very middle of the screen or the mirroring will stretch and look absolutely horrible. (I struggled with this for a bit)

    Post edited by pepeschliemann on
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