Trouble with 3rd Party Poser Installations

I've been using DAZ Studio for several years - used to use Poser.

Up until Studio 4.9 I knew how to install 3rd party Poser files - I have a lot of props and architecture from Renderosity, for example.  But now when I do what seems the logical thing, I can't find the items in D/S.

Can anyone instruct me on this, please?



  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    How are you installing them and where are you looking for them?

  • Hi, mjc1016.  Thanks for replying.

    I dropped the runtime folder into documents/DAZ3D/Studio and also tried it in documents/DAZ3D/Studio/MyLibrary.

    It's been quite a while since I've put 3rd party files into Studio, so maybe I'm wrongly remembering how to do it.

    Anyhow, I looked for the items in "Poser Formats" in all three categories in there: DazConnect, My Library, and My Daz 3D Library under "figures" and under "props" - well, My Poser format "My Library is totally empty - no folders at all.

    I also, just to be thorough, looked under My Library and My DAZ 3D Library under the Daz formats, in case I goofed and put them in there.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    If the spelling/spacing is correct in the first sentance, it looks like that directory is not mapped in Studio.

    Notice, the mapped folder has a space between the y in My and the L in library.

  • Sorry, I'm not sure how to understand it, do not you find poser content when you open Daz Studio? I have a folder, content in the pc, with all its contents. Later. after evolving open Daz Studio. in the command: Edit \ Preferences \ Content \  Content Directory \ Managwer \  Content Sets \ Poser  Formats \  Add a Runtime Directory

    I add the folder. click accept. and in Daz I find everything




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