Having problems with: Lights and Cameras for Urban Future 5?

VictorioVictorio Posts: 81
edited September 2017 in New Users

I really like the scenes in Stonemason’s “Urban Future 5.” So when I saw the recently released “Lights and Cameras for Urban Future 5,” I immediately put it in my cart. Unfortunately I can’t get a decent render out of it. Although I set the Viewport as the size of the render, the final product is several times larger. Even worse, the entire scene is very grainy.

I followed the pictures in the product description. For example, I matched a Render # 25 with a Camera # 25. But that doesn’t work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Post edited by Chohole on


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    The grainy part is often due to longer rendertimes needed. You'd set the render quality higher, or a higher convergence, or more itterations.

    But I have a proble understanding what you are actually doing there... so please humour me for asking idiot questions, okay?

    • You load UF5 in the Iray version. Then, you load the Lights and Cameras set.
    • You select a Camera in the Viewport (say, Camera 4)..
    • The viewport render image through camera 4 should be whatever resolution size your system has set, so mine would be 2048x1096 (or something like that).

    Is that correct?


  • BeeMKay said:

    The grainy part is often due to longer rendertimes needed. You'd set the render quality higher, or a higher convergence, or more itterations.

    But I have a proble understanding what you are actually doing there... so please humour me for asking idiot questions, okay?

    • You load UF5 in the Iray version. Then, you load the Lights and Cameras set.
    • You select a Camera in the Viewport (say, Camera 4)..
    • The viewport render image through camera 4 should be whatever resolution size your system has set, so mine would be 2048x1096 (or something like that).

    Is that correct?



  • Bee,

    Yes, you are correct.  I load UF5 Iray, then Lights # and Camera # set using the same number for both. In Render Settings I set the size of the image to match the Active Viewport. I haven't changed the pixel resolution size. 

    What is surprising is that the rendered image is about 4 times the size of the Active Viewport!  And, as I mentioned, the result is also very grainy.  --- Thanks for any advice you can offer on how to correct this.

    -- Victorio

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2017

    The grainy part is not surprising. I'll come to that later.

    Let's check some things, then.

    Have you applied the Render Settings that come with the set? They are in “Props:Stonemason:Urban Future 5:Iray:Render Presets”

    The other things to check: First, the camera is selected. In your case, it should be Camera 25 or whatever.

    Second, select the camera. In Dimension, makle sure that "Use Local Dimensions" is set to "off".

    Third, in Render Settings, it should look something like this:


    565 x 368 - 38K
    611 x 458 - 40K
    Render Settings1.JPG
    394 x 494 - 43K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Bee --

    Thank you for your advice.  By turning off Local Dimensions, as you suggested, I was able to get the picture size down to the size of the Active Viewport (instead of 4 times as large.)  The grainy problem, especially in the foreground, was still present.  I should mention that I also decided NOT use “Lights and Cameras for Urban Future 5,”  The reason I didn't use it was that all I would get was a grainy blue screen with no picture at all.  So I decided to go back to just the Urban Futrure 5  scene alone and use another light set,

    I've attached a picture of the not so great result.  Is all that grain in the foreground due to insufficient lighting?  I wanted a dark scene, but not the grainy look.

    Thanks again for your help,  --- Victorio

    Grainy Scott and Kyla.jpg
    1121 x 881 - 1M
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2017

    I'm glad you could solve the size problem! smiley

    About the grain, that is very normal for renders "in darkness". They need more render time or iterations, or a higher quality setting. That's especially true for "mood" settings like you have with the Urban set. An option is to change the rendersettings, or to add more light sources in the front on the characters, and then use Depth of Field for the background, where it would be naturally blurry anyway.

    Remember that you'd be like a photographer, and they also bring in extra light when they take a picture of someone in a dark scene. (I can recommend the Iray Ghost Light Kit series by https://www.daz3d.com/kindredarts)

    Also, I've put together something about lights, which you might find useful. It's nothing great, but maybe will help you with a few things. There are different topics covered throughout the thread.


    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Hi Bee,

    Thanks for the feedback and the links for more information. I'll try adding more light. I really appreciate your help.

    --- Victorio


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    What you can do to help reduce the grainy-ness quicker is to light your scene as if it would be a daytime scene. Then under tone mapping in the render settings, turn down the ISO option. At least, I think that will work

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197

    the reason for the large image size is actualy to counteract the grain,if your final image is expected to be 1k for example,then rendering at 4k and scaling the image down will reduce most of the noise you see in the render.

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