How to make a material invisible ?

Probably a silly question fot technically advanced users but is there a way to make a material invisible in the surface tab ?



  • Iray? Set the Cutout Opacity slider (under Geometry) to 0%.

    3DL also has similar Opacity dials.

    Partial/patterned invisibility? Use an Opacity map (black = transparent, white = opaque). This goes right in the drop-down for Cutout Opacity.

  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,766
    edited September 2017

    In 3Delight - the surfaces tab has an 'opacity' slider - set it to 0%

    In Iray - the surfaces tab has a 'cutout opacity' slider - set it to 0%

    if the area isn't a separate surface, you'll need to use the geometry editor tool (First select the object, then go to the menu bar: 'Tools: Geometry Editor').  Select the polygons you want invisible then right-click (assuming windows, not sure on Mac), go to 'Geometry visibility' and set to 'hide selected polygons' - this won't save as part of a scene file so if you want them deleted permanently from this scene, also right-click and go down the list to find 'delete hidden polygons'

    (Can't check the name right now as I'm in the middle of a render).

    Hope that helps :)


    Edit: In Geometry Editor tool - instead of making them hidden/deleted, you could also go to 'Geometry Assignment' and choose 'Create new surface from selected' - name the new surface and it'll show up in the surfaces tab (defaulting to all white and 3DL settings) to apply new settings to.

    Post edited by Silent Winter on
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