Box Shots with DAZ? How?

in New Users
I am using DAZ mainly for Book Covers, means: I create the models and the coverdesigner will use them for the book cover in Photoshop. But now I need to create a good Box Shot from such a book. There are programs out there like BoxShot4 but they are not for free. I am a bit stubborn and not willing to pay 50 $ for a program, which creates just this box shot, when I can do that with other programs as well. But I lack knowledge about DAZ: how do I import a texture (book front and spine) to map these on a primitve? Can some1 help me out?
Greetings - Rael
You'll have to assign material zones to the primitive, and then load the images to their respective surface in the surface tab. But without UV-Mapping, things might look a bit weird.
The shop has books as well, like
You can also download a free book from ShareGG, like those below, and just change the front&spine to what you need. If you use somewthing from them make sure that the person who shares allows commercial use.
Also, Everyday Books has all the templates included, so you can use them as guides to position your own photos.