Wet & Tanned Skin Changed Skin Color
Can someone help explain what is going on with this? When I add a "Wet" look to the Ktarya Elf character it removes the color from the character. The two images are the same with only the differenc being that I added a "wet" look to the figure using the "Wet and Tanned Skins for Genesis 3". This was not the look I was going for and would like to keep the orignal color when added a "wet" look to the figure. I guess I don't understand how the wet look is applied. I thought it added a layer on top of the figure that provided the wet look but didn't do anything to the underlying surface. Any help on how to troubleshoot this and get the greenish hue to the character while adding the wet look would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

mhm... I don't have the product, and (as adding a wet look is quite simple in Iray) it's not something I'd have much use for. I've looked into the REadMe of the product, though, and from what's there in the instruction manual, my guess is that the base character settings for the skin tone translucency were written over by the settings the product uises for the thin layer.
There's a product support thread for the Wet and Tanned Skins, so perhaps you check that out, and ask the vendor directly. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/111461/wet-and-tanned-skins-for-genesis-3-tan-lines-for-g3f-and-v7-uv-sets-commercial#latest
Also, in this post, I've made screenshots of a few way in which you can manually dial in more glossiness (the top part of the thread is about lights): https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/872147/#Comment_872147
Thank you! I'll ask over at the vendor's thread. And, thanks for the link. I'll have to study the threat but am intrigued about the various was to add a sheen or glossiness to the skin.