Making metal shiny in render

I am trying to make a render of Colossus, but I cannot seem to make his metal skin shiny.  Any suggestion?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I don't know who you are referring to (a link would be nice), and if you are trying to render in Iray or in 3Delight.

    Also, what have you tried already?

    There's one thing that is valid for all, when you apply shaders, make sure you have the surface selected in the surface tab.

  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 802

    Go to the surfaces pane and select the skin. Tweak the metallicity, reflectivity and roughness properties until you get the desired effect.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    Also remember that if you have a reflective surface, there has to be something for it to reflect: for example, an HDRI environment in Iray, otherwise a wall or lights or something behind the camera.

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