question from a newbie

I picked up the clone from cauri for the horse 2 but it is only the body.

so how would I make a clone from mil horse head and uv for head and mane also tail so I could use it on horse 2

I would realy appreciate if some one could help me out with easy step by step instructions

thanks in advance


  • What do you mean by the head, as distinct from the body? The mane and tail were handled so diffrently in the two horses that I don't think you can really expect to do much conversion.

  • thanks richard for your response. like I said I am a newbie at daz. I have the native costume for mil horse. I managed to fit saddle, collar and headstall to horse 2 but have trouble with them reins. dont have a clue how ito make it work that the reins work with horse 2. was wondering if this has to do that cauri only made a clone for the body of the horse.

    I am learening by trying things. another problem I have is when put the regular bridle on horse 2 how do I get the reins say in g3s hands.

    please excuse me if I dont know how to express myself correctly in english since it is my second language.


  • You are getting some answers in the other thread, so it's best to keep the discussion there.

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