edited title, Centaur clothing and clone issues

WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602


does this fit to the girl or the horse body?

I ended up using two and hiding halves as animating her which ever way I did it one half played up

Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on


  • the top torso item that is

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited September 2017

    I also have issues if I try to apply the warrior Queen skirt straps separately as a set it's ok

    also I can make a clone for horse 2 and centaur and fit one to the other but not the clothes or armour, the autofit dialogue will not come up as either seems to think the items are for them and transfer utility makes a total mess

    best I can do is use the clones I made for scaling then convert to prop and use transfer utility.

    I edited parameter settings to modifier/clone and did adjust rigging and ERC freeze and saved as morph asset, it does appear as an autofit option for other things inc the horse or centaur body just not their wardrobes.

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    pretty horsey.jpg
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    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • I am bumping this after a few days as maybe the original title was too misleading and nobody has weighed in on any suggestions.

    I can create an autofit clone for both the horse and the centaur but only the two original characters bring up the autofit dialogue and fit (perfectly)

    IE the horse will scale and fit to the centaur and vise versa

    clothes and armour will not bring up the dialogue and fits badly distorted or perfectly but unscaled depending on if I load it with the figure selected or use fit to after.

    The transfer utility using clone or morph instead of default it fits all distorted.

    I have no idea why this happens, its as if the figures are not seen as different and the autofit is not triggered.

    As I said I can dial up the morphs on either and scale it that way then convert to prop and use the transfer utility.

  • I had no luck with the Milhorse clone either

    the morph matches the milhorse dialed up and it brings up autofit but armour saddles distort

    the best I can do it fit to horse 2 dial up centaur clone and convert to prop then use the transfer utility for the centaur

    spine bender.jpg
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