Pet Peeve of the Day

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

I'll set up a scene in Daz Studio with like 180 frames for an animated shot.  When I reopen that same only has 24 frames. I have to reset the max frame to 180 and then it restores the shot to it's entirety and none of the keyframes are lost. But why do I have to do this?  Why doesn't it remember teh shot had 180 frames.  It's my pet peeve of the day.


  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    Here's another one: Keymate/Timeline issues. I'm animating in Daz and use Keymate extensively, but clearing the timeline in Keymate will not remove keyframes from the timeline-timeline. So sometimes there keyframes in the timeline though they've been deleted in Keymate. You'd think that if creating a keyframe in Keymate places a keyframe in the timeline, that deleting the keyframe in keymate would also delete it in the timeline. Of course, I would ultimately like to see keymate/graphmate to be standard features of Daz Studio...replacing the timeline altogether.

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    Here's another glitch I keep encountering: that the list of items in the Scene window doesn't match the list of items in the keymate timeline window. Typically there are some items missing. Sometimes when I adjust that timeline from TR to TRSV once missing items will appear...or once present items will dissapear. 

    Of course, these are all minor things in a program that enables me to create an entire universe so keep that in mind.

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