How do I save my folders and settings for reinstall?

in New Users
I got a new PC so I want to transfer my DAZ to the newer one.
I need to save my custom subfolders and everything I categorized by myself. How does that work?
I also want to save my menu and custom actions. Do I do this by Window > Workspace > Save Layout as?
Many thanks!
Open the Content Library option menu (lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and select Content DB Maintenance, then check Export Userdata and click Accept. If you now copy your content directories across to the new machine you can then open the same dialogue and check the Reimport Metadata option. You can also just back up the C:\UsersYOU\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3d\cms\ContentCluster folder, or the Mac equivalent, if you are using the default settings for the database. Either way it is up to you to add your content diectories on the new machine to DS, if you are not just using the defaults.