Developer Discussion Forum Archive

Over the years there has been some useful information posted to the old Developer Discussion forum... so I thought I'd post a link to make it easy to find.
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Over the years there has been some useful information posted to the old Developer Discussion forum... so I thought I'd post a link to make it easy to find.
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I can't reach it any more, and haven't been able to for some time (Singapore cloudserver error 523 origin unreachable) - has the forum archive gone for good ? I hope not.
(4Dec2015 editing test - on 24th Nov I got the validateFormat error and edits didn't work. I've been told the problem is now fixed, so let's see...)
The old forum archive has been unavailable for some time now.
Indeed. But there are many shades of 'unavailable'... is this the 'gone completely, forever' tint ?
I've just found a load of bookmarks that I thought I'd lost, and I was hoping to download copies of the most important threads before they're gone for good.
So am I too late ?
...and to cap it all, today none of my bookmarks on any forum here work !
E.g. doesn't work - apparently it's now
You need to substitute "discussion" for "view thread" in your link URL for the time being
That's a bit less of a pain (I thought the thread title was a compulsory part of the new URL)... still a PITA though.
Has anybody found any of the old forumarchive threads on the Waybackmachine ?
It seems to have just one snapshot of the link Rob posted taken on 14th July 2014 -*/
Unfortunately none of the onward links seem to work.