Making wet surface visible under Lights (3Dl)

super_joelsuper_joel Posts: 118


Using the above product, and rendering in 3Delight (materials provided by vendor). 

The surface has a "wet" material. However using any overhead light source drowns that out. There is the white circle of the light's reach visible that floods any "wet effect" the material has going.

Provided light set uses multiple Raytrace light sources in a point light set-up, making render sped atrociously slow.


Any suggestions? Thank you, in advance.  

Post edited by super_joel on


  • super_joelsuper_joel Posts: 118

    What is the best method for preserving a wet looking surface material in 3Delight using overhead lighting? 

  • FlipmodeFlipmode Posts: 909

    Hi Joel,
    I am surprised the set renders that slow for you, a 720p render takes one to two minutes for me.

    If you want to try speed it up without doing entirely new lighting you could turn off shadows for the two wall-lights.
    The set also has reflections on the floor and windows, turning those off should also gain you some speed.

    In general, you`ll want at least one lightsource opposite of your camera, it doesn`t have to cast shadows.


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