LY Cayenne HD skin way darker than promo pictures.

Hi strange question maybe.

I bought LY Cayenne HD and when doing a quick render and notice that the skin is way darker than the promo pictures. I did put Kimo 7 next to her and even though they have diffrent skintone she is almost as dark as him. Is it something I am doing wrong or should she be that different from the promo pictures ?


Thanks in advance



  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited August 2017


    A couple things to consider: 1) The Iray engine has been updated since Cayenne was released, 2) Lighting can have a huge impact on skin tone.

    I don't see a dark skin tone. You be the judge w/ the attached.

    First attachment is one of the promo renders. Second is with Renderstudio Pro HDRs, Third is with Lyoness' own Pro HDR Lighting Vol 2, light 001.

    750 x 681 - 75K
    LY Cayenne Test1.png
    750 x 600 - 359K
    LY Cayenne Test2.png
    750 x 600 - 351K
    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • LyonessLyoness Posts: 1,616

    I used spot lights on her in those promos. They can be deceptively bright.
    She DOES have a med dark skin tone

  • mats76mats76 Posts: 294

    Thank you for your help. I have not started to expriment with lights yet started with Daz3d a month ago and it not wise to start using Daz3d at the same time the big sale kick in (become expensive way to fast :-)  ). But I tried setting up 2 basic spotlights and that improved a bit but still to dark, did a test next to Vicktoria 7 with the 2 spotlights directed right at them.

    Cayenne test.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 401K
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078


    The default Iray spotlight settings (1500 lumen) will be way too dark. Don't be surprised to use values of 50000 to 500000 as needed.

    Here are two more examples. First is with 50000 Lumen Spotlight only (scene only), seconed with 50000 Lumen Spotlight and Renderstudio Pro HDRI (Dome and Scene), Compare to my previous examples which were HDRI only

    Cayenene 50K Lumen scene only.png
    750 x 600 - 269K
    Cayenne 50K Lumen Spot plus Renderstudion Pro HDRI.png
    750 x 600 - 375K
  • mats76mats76 Posts: 294
    fastbike1 said:


    The default Iray spotlight settings (1500 lumen) will be way too dark. Don't be surprised to use values of 50000 to 500000 as needed.

    Here are two more examples. First is with 50000 Lumen Spotlight only (scene only), seconed with 50000 Lumen Spotlight and Renderstudio Pro HDRI (Dome and Scene), Compare to my previous examples which were HDRI only


    Must try to learn more about the light settings. With Renderstudio Pro HDRs thats looks nice on Cayenne, how would that affects Victoria 7 skin in the same scen? Would she become super pale?

    Thank you for taking your time to help out. 

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited August 2017


    Here you go. Vicky 7 on the left, Arabella 7 on the right. Both with their standard skins. RenderStudio Pro HDRI only for lighting. Arabella is one of the most pale standard figures.

    You can see that the light doesn't make a drastic change in shade, but this particular light has a fairly high color temperature.

    HDRI lighting is an easy way to start because it is simple and generally provides an even light, depending of ocurse on the author's objective. You still have some capacity to make the light brighter on dimmer in the Rendersettings>Enviroment tab.

    If you have more questions, ask away.

    Vickie 7 - Arabella 7 Renderstudio Pro HDRI Only.png
    750 x 600 - 267K
    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • LyonessLyoness Posts: 1,616

    I use the Render Studio HRDI's from Colm all the time.  I agree they are fantastic.

  • mats76mats76 Posts: 294

    Thank you for all the help and pictures, will look into RenderStudio Pro HDRI right away.



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