Changing Maximum displacment point in frames
Hi All,
I'm using Daz Studio and notice that when I try and animate a sequence, if I have the figure/fist at two points on two different frames, the animation frames set up such that the displacement is originally slow between frames, speeds up at the mid point in the frame cycle and then slows down again to the final position. Is there any ways to adjust this maximum displacement point from being the middle frame? I.e. can you skew the acceleration/deceleration. This would be useful for scenes like throwing a punch where the fist would accelerate to the point of impact and then rapidly decelerate. The only way I've been able to do it at the moment is to manually adjust each frame individually which is REALLY tedious. I'm sure there has got to be a shortcut.
Most people seem to add the Keymate and Graphmate plug-ins from the store, though Casual does have some free scripts that will help.
Sorry for the slow reply, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!