Mage Tower Iray Accessories; Where is it?

dHandledHandle Posts: 617

I just bought Mage Tower Iray Accessories, and I can't seem to locate the new textures.  I already own the older version of Mage Tower with all the accessory packs.

I also bought the Mage Tower Iray expansion.  The old version of Mage Tower is in a folder, and there is a new folder with Mage Tower Iray.  I expected to find the new Iray Accessories in a separate folder, too.  I looked in Smart Content, and in the old accessory packs for the new Iray textures and couldn't find them.

Any idea where they might be?

See attachments:


1635 x 916 - 190K
1797 x 975 - 215K
Post edited by dHandle on


  • NormNorm Posts: 71

    I have same problem. The new Madge Tower has no textures. sad

  • Mage Tower or Accessories, the original post is about the latter? How did you install?

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    Are you using DIM to install? Did you install the full DS file? The product comes with two installers - one is just obj files (for use in other applications), the larger one has 196 textures jpg's in Runtime/Textures/LaurieS/LS_MageTower.
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