"Browse to Folder Location" does not work

I always liked the little feature in content manager where you could right click the menu to "Browse to Folder Location"  Came in handy running down a missing file or to verify a particular asset was where it should have been.

For about a month no that has not worked. Does nothing at all when I click it. All the other options in that menu work fine such as delete, rename etc.

Any clue why it stopped working and how to fix it?  ( DS. 4.9, Win 7 x64 ) 

Is there some setting that may be messed up and if so where would I check?

Thanks !



  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    For starters, saying "DS 4.9" isn't enough information for people to help. You need to include the full version number.

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    I just checked mine.  I have, which I think is the latest version.  I right clicked a prop in the Content Tab, the usual menu opened up, and I clicked Browse to Folder Location.  It opened up a new window same as always, and the prop file was right there.

    Sorry..I have no idea why yours isn't working.

  • dHandle said:


    Sorry..I have no idea why yours isn't working.

    Thanks, but that is not a useful addition to the topic.

  • Which version of DS? What security software are you using? How was the content you are trying to reach installed?

  • 4.9  Manual install as always.  No content locations changed just the function to brows to folder stopped working. Have turned security on off etc. no change.

  • I have seen other people post similar issues, though it's not (judging by forum posts) a common issue. You might have a look through the troubleshooting the Smart Content pane article in the Knowledge Base (click Help at the top of this page), if only to be sure that it isn't an issue from the Content Management System.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    If my Smart Content pane is showing icons for several products--say I just clicked on the Figures category--Browse to Folder Location appears on the menu but does nothing. OTOH, if I double-click on a particular figure icon and the pane changes to show icons for the separate items that come with it, Browse to Folder location does work.

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