damaging cloth

in New Users
hey guys
i've been using daz3d for a while now and its great
lately i wanted to destroy some of g3m cloths to show like a sword slash or bullet went through cloths
the only way i know is using template to change colour or look of the cloths but when i try to erase a part of the cloth it doesnt take it off
what should i do in my case
thanks in advance for your help and time
You can't just use an opacity mask?
This is why I use rendering, I can't draw.
so i take the template and colour it all black and then whiten the spot that i want the cut at and then save it and use it as base color?
There is a seperate channel called Cutout Opacity (I'm not at my rendering machine, so I may have the name wrong).
Also make sure you don't ruin your template or actual texture map... "Save As" not "Save"
You can also make translucent spots, like wet cloth, by using gray instead of white.
Shouldn;t that be reversed, so that the white part is where the cloth is and the black part is the tear or damage to the cloth?
Maybe, it's been awhile since I did this. (Invert image in PhotoShop, if I'm wrong.)
Well all the texture sets that I made my transmaps were white for solid, black for total transparency and shades of grey for parital trans.
thank you guys sooo much
I might be asking for too much now but do you know any video on youtube shows it, beacuse i understand much better with visual
I have an old tutorial with images, http://chohole.ovbi.org/texture_tutorial.htm
Open up the texture file in a image editor In this case we're opening the shirt texture. This is going to be our reference image.
clear everything so that you're left with a white image. (alternatively you can just create a new image so long as the width and height are equal )
When you eventually import this into Daz, everything that is white will be visible, and everything that is black will appear transparent. (Gray will be semi transparent.) In this case I'm painting a black rip over the chest.
Save that image. (As a new file, don't overwrite your original texture)
Back In DAz Select the shirt and, go into the surfaces tab.
Find the opacity slider. This controls what is visible and what is invisible. We need to now load the image we created into this slot.
Click on the small block to the left of the slider. load your image.
That's it.
sorry- double post..
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks alot guys