How do I get a hole in this bodysuit? *solved*

I bought this bodysuit and want to make it look like a powergirl suit so it needs a hole like in this picture
I tried to do it with the geomatry tool, but it its too square. I thought of doing it by making another texture file and doing it somehow with the Cutout Oppacity in DAZ3D, am I on the right track? I have never done this before.
Here is a picture of the polygonos, if that is any helpful.

968 x 710 - 300K
Post edited by agamersday on
Ok the Opacity thing dosen't work. It works when the material says "Opacity Strenght" but not when there is "Cutout Opacity". I don't know how to change that. :/
You have to copy the texture of the costume and turn it to black and white. The black part will be the cutout circle. The white part are the things that remain visible & unchanged. Then you put that edited image in the image slot for Cutout Opacity
It shoukd work with either, but yiu won't get the changes in material tension due to the cutout. What label the setting has woudl deoend upon what shader the material zone has. You may find a freebie powergirl costume (Cosplayy 11 for V4) by Terryncg if it is still available (via ShareCG, from memory, but I have a snekaing suspicion I have seen a comment to teh effect that have been withdrawn) or smay did a freebie add-on for his G2F scf-suit to have it be powergirl-esque (not sure where that came from, but a quick look shows you'd need to change textures to white, etc., from the default green/yellow)
The smay costume auto-fitted for G3F:
The Cosplay 11 outfit auto-fitted to G3F:
There are also gloves, boots and 2 capes for this (one cape is a poser dynamic) - you need to pint the no-dynamic cloak to the actual .boj file.:
Thank you. I do have the Terrymcg costumes but I don't like them.
I found this script which basically lets you cut primitives into it. So it works now :D