How to-expressions on Victoria 4.2?

Ok this is driving me nuts. I'm trying to redo one of my earlier renders and it's on a Victoria 4.2. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change I have to have expression packs? I am redoing one of the first renders I did and trying to change her expression a bit..


  • Are you looking at the head bone?

  • Not sure..I click on her head, and have looked under posing, parameters, and shaping and I don't see anything relating to expressions..

  • Parameters would be the place to look - the others require the modifier type to be set, which it won't be for the older figures. The expressions are under Morphs|Expressions in the parameters pane, with the head selected. I don't hink they have to be injected, but you might try going to Poser Formats>content directory>Pose>DAZ' Victoria 4>Morph Injections and double-clicking Inj Base V4.

  • That's it, thank you!!

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