Removing Vertices from Edited Figure Morph


I am attempting to create morphs that require clean separations of the figure, so that the effect is more that I can have disembodied limbs, heads, or various amputated states of figures as characters... this is not a "gore" thing though, but more like robots or magic, where the creature is supposed to be that way, so I want to join the verticies on the morph to fully close the texture off on a flat plane so the skin doesn't have a "hole" or a jagged edge. If I just hide the adjacent body parts, there's a hole, and no matter what I do editing the morph so the adjacent body part is scaled down, there's always a hole, or some weird distortion. I have not been able to find a good tutorial about how to import an obj back into DAZ when the verticies have been changed... I only found one post which did mention using Attenuate By and Overwrite Existing, but without a detailed guide on what to do there, just clicking randomly still gives me the error that there is a mismatch on import.

Any help or pointing to a good tutorial on this would be great. I am not sure if the figure needs to be reweighted since I am not changing any shapes except on the plane where it is cut, and really, nothing is going to be posed to that plane, but if that still is necessary to learn for this, pointing me toward that too would also be helpful. Thank you for reading and for helping me out in advance. I am using Blender and the latest build of DAZ, by the way.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    edited August 2017

    It will not work to delete the vertices of the limb in blender and attempt to use that exported obj to create a morph in Daz Studio. You cannot import an obj to create a morph in Daz Studio if the number of vertices in the obj do not match the number of vertices in the original object. That is why you get the error about the mismatch.

    Perhaps you could hide the body part and fill the "hole" with a geograft. I've never done a geograft, so I can't help you there, other than to point you to a video. Look through Josh Darling's other videos, too. You will find fascinating topics with a knowledgeable presenter.

    If you want to learn more about the Attenuate option in Morph Loader Pro, here is a good video. (I do not believe it is applicable to your current problem, though.)

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction. I did not know the term geograft, so I couldn't have found it or asked for advice on it. This should do what I'm looking for once I get the hang of it, thanks again!

  • Ok... this is a very specific follow up that maybe is its own discussion, but, I'm having trouble proceeding because the scale is off when importing a new object instead of a morph. When I was importing a morph of the whole figure from an export to .dae (Collada) to Blender and back as a .obj (Wavefront) to Daz, 10000% was perfect, but now that I am just trying to import a new object to geograph, it isn't the right size. The verts are directly from a figure, I just deleted the ones I didn't want (the rest of the figure) but the verts that remain did not move at all in Blender... and yet, importing at the same size as the morph loader (again, that's 10000%) leaves the resulting object slightly larger than the corresponding geometry of the figure in DAZ... any help with what percent to use? I don't think I can just guess.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    I always export in obj. I export and import at Daz scale.
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