Instal Manager reset the download & Instal locations


I updated the instal manager and found later that it had wiped my download & Instal locations so now almost a thousand items are in a different locations .

As the new default (C:) is an SSD I need to move everything to my larger HD drive but Install manager doesnt see my old content any more.

Has anyone run into this issue?

How can I combine these into one drive so that Install manager can recognise both groups of downloads?

I take it there must be some record file(s) that take care of this?

Thanks for any advise;)


  • CO3DRCO3DR Posts: 159
    I haven't had the issue where my Install Manager download directory or Content Directories have been altered by an update to Install Manager. I have the Zip and Dsx (manifest files) all in a single directory on an HDD. I have multiple Content Directories, some on HDD, some on SSD. For instance, any product with instructional videos gets its own content directory, which is on an HDD.When you use the term 'downloads', do you mean the zips and manifests, or do you mean the installed content? To me, downloads means zips and manifests, and if these happen to be split across two directories, just use your favorite tool (Robocopy, xcopy, windows explorer, etc) and move them into one directory. Hope this helps.
  • Installing a new version should not change settings, unless you also set up a new Daz account or used a new account on the computer (the DIM settings are stored in the user's AppData or Mac-equivalent folder). The locations of the installed content are kept in the individual .dsx files in the Manifests folder (alongside the Downloads folder by default): if you can't see previous isntalls that is presumably missing (and that suggests some serious issues as the default location is in the Public Documents folder, which would not be affected by either of my thoughs on the root of the problem).

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    I did change my login as I have a new ISP it sounds as if that was it though its still the same acount?

    As for the files, the downloads are there but in two different locations.

    I have uninstalled so only the post change downloads are listed.

    Objective: I want to move the new downloads to the origional disk and re-install?

    I hope this makes sense;)

  • You mean the zips? Those you can just place in the new Downloads folder and they will work.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    No, I dont want to move them to the new folder thats an SSD (C:) and is too small.

    I need to move them to the old folder (D: larger drive) but will the install manager see them?

    Currently it is not seeing the old downloads only the new location.

  • Ah, so (again, assuming this is the isntall zips we are talking about) move them to the old folder, then in DIM click the gear icon to open preferences and in the Downloads tab set the folder to the location you want to use.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    I have moved the new files and have have the location reset to the old folder but the old content still does not show in the install manager.


  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    Damn, rechecked the downloads settings and its reset to C: drive again????

    Will continoue to headbut the DIM until it complies.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    Okay the ready to install colum looks okay now.

    I think I'm gonna have to be paranoid and check the setting on the DIM before I do any downloads or installs from now on.

    Correction, I'm not paranoid the DIM is definetly out to get me!

    Thanks Eveyone;)

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