Set dialog box screen position?
I have a couple of old scripts which I use frequently, and I've just finished updating them for 4.9 and modifying them to suit my workflow. But one thing I can't figure out is how to have a dialog box NOT open in the center of the screen - ie. covering up the object I'm working with. Is there a command for say, 'screen X position -50%' or whatever it might be?
I did look through the scripting docs, and after almost an hour, I still hadn't found anything.
Take a look at the Simple Input Dialog or Simple Image Dialog samples. Be sure to read the comments. Both samples show how to cause the size and position of a DzBasicDialog to be recorded/restored (hint: search for "objectName").
Other samples that use the same approach:
Thanks Rob. I'm hunting through the docs now, but the problem is that this script was written for DS 1.5 and the terms are all different. So for example, there's no DzBasicDialog - it's DzMainDialog. Functions are listed as 'this.m_wMainDlg;' etc.
Anyway, I'll have a go.