animation clothes changing

I am trying to set up a magician's illusion. I have set up Victoria 7 with all the clothes, half of them hidden at the start of the animation.  Midway through the illusion, I want to hide her current clothing and reveal her hidden clothing. I am trying to use the hide/unhide (eyes shut/eyes open) feature. This does not appear to be working. I have NVIDIA Iray engine selected. I am still in the setup stage. I have not got as far as rendering. Please help.


  • It would be simpler to do two renders and combine them - it's good practice to render to an image sequence rather than a final animation file anyway.

  • Thanks Richard. Sorry to be pedantic, but this is my first attempt at animation. I accept the theory so how do I go about splitting what I have into smaller sequences.

    I haven't got to the rendering just yet. Once I have my set of rendered images, how do I combine them to form a short video.

    I would appreciate pointers to the appropriate documentation, tutorials, etc.


  • I'm hardly an animation expert, but Image Series should be an option in Render Settings (Render Type). That will then let you set a frame range to render, and a destination folder. So you render the first half (or so) with the first set of clothes, then render the second half with the second, and import them into your video editor.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601

    if you render to image series put them in their own folders and Hitfilm express which is free for a social media like yes will import them as clips you can join, also it has effects like fades chomakeying and particle overlays, is quite awesome for freeware.

  • Thanks for the help everyone.

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