Character specific products work on other characters?

in New Users
I'm looking at buying the Olympia 8 pro bundle, and the Tara HD for victoria looks interesting as well. Does any of the Tara stuff work on the Olympia character? Or other Genisis 8 models? Or is this all just a cash grab making you have to buy all the base characters in order to use that one extra set you buy to customize one model?
Olympia and Victoria are both characters based on Genesis 8 Female and they use the same UVs so Tara should work on Olympia as far as the skin and HD. Should be able to use the horns and you should also be able to mix between the two characters.
Thanks for the quick reply. If you're right, why doesn't it just say 'Tara 2 HD for genesis 8 female.' Saying it is specifically for Victoria seems a bit misleading.....sorry for nitpicking lol, but when it comes to real money purchases it's better be sure.
It's not misleading. In order for any character like Victoria 8 or Tara 8 or Olympia 8 to work in the first place, you need Genesis 8 Female. Some characters are then created over other characters, so you need to have that character for it to look exactly like it shows in the promo. The morph will also work on just Genesis 8 Female, but will look a bit different since it doesn't have the influence of Victoria 8. As for the skin and HD, that should work on the base (G8F) or Victoria or Olympia. As you seem new to this, you're just not familiar with how it works. It does, however, allow you to create s multitude of unique looks by using different morphed characters or mixes with other characters. You can often also mix and match between many skins, like use the Skin from Tara but the eyes from another character, and the lips from yet another as an example.
Ah, ok thank you. That is a better explenation: to get their intended look you need victoria, but otherwise it'll all work. Yes I am new. I'm trying to decide my first few purchaces to get started creating stuff. But it is a little misleading, when it specifically says 'REQUIRED PRODUCTS: VICTORIA' in the list below the "add to cart" button. I've read around the forums to understand that older genesis stuff should all be compatable with newer genesis stuff, and even cross gender models, so that requirement thing just sorta threw me and needed clarification. Thanks again.
Maybe this will help. When you look at a product, they normally show what's needed. This one shows Victoria 8 is needed.
So then you look up Victoria 8 and it shows you if it needs anything which it does need Genesis 8 Female (which is free through the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials).