Runtime not showing

suddnly Runtime is not showing up in the My Library structure in Daz Studio ( in the Content Library. I can see it in the structure in Finder but not in Studio. I reset Preferences but still no runtime in My library. I know it was available before, don't know what I did or how to correct this!

iMac running OS 10.12

Missing Runtime.png
437 x 286 - 51K
in Finder.png
299 x 307 - 22K


  • The Runtime folder should never have shown, it is (like the Data folder) hidden. All you should see, under Poser Formats, are the Poser library categories under it.

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    I was looking under Daz Studio Formats/My Library where all the files in My Library normally show.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,320

    Poser files won't be found in the Daz Studio Format. You need to use the Poser Format but regardless you shouldn't be seeing a runtime folder. If you do you have something set up wrong.

  • The Runtime would not show under Daz Studio formats if the content was correctly installed - if you could see it that was an indication that the content was not installed correctly (it was one level too deep in the folder tree).

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    Daz Studio Format/Studio/My Library/aniBlock - Animal - Architecture  Down to Wardrobe is the file list includes content, People, Presets etc.

    if this is the wrong structure what can I do other than live with it. I corrected the invisible runtime by adding a base directory starting with Studio/My Library it all seems to work.

  • As we said, you should not see the Runtime - if you have nested content directories (a folder and a sub-folder of that folder selected as content directories) then you are storing up trouble for the future. Only the My Library folder in the path listed should eb set as a content directory.

    Why are you wanting to see the Runtime folder itself?

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    I had loaded lots of manual 3rd party content back before I started using DIM so some of it is in the My Library/runtime. I have no idea how to clean up the structure at this late date.

    Thanks for the insight

  • If it's Poser format then it should appear, when you have the My Library folder set as a Poser Format content directory, in Poser Formats>My Library>some folder

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    Set it up shows fine.


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