Questions about Poser compatibility and things that scare me.

Hello. I have numbered my questions if you could answer any, don't feel that you need to answer all of them! I decided to buy Poser Pro 11 a while ago, despite knowing very little about the industry. I just really started getting into it, and have read every page in the Guide, including legals, up to pg. 700, but I still have so many questions.
1) What I want to do is create as much of my own scene as possible regardless of the time investment and after that accomplishment than I will probably purchase additional sets as needed. That said I know Poser Pro is only a part of the so-called pipeline, so I got Blender which I have yet to mess around with, and I had Daz a bit before Poser and that's it. So what is an affordable solution at this point or can I pretty much do a professional scene with what I have?
2) What I want to do would potentially include utilizing the new Genesis models, but how does that work with Poser, and are they something that a novice could eventually create in Blender, or what have you? I noticed they can be imported, but can I use any derivative as illustration in a profit-by-donations book? Specific Questions:
3) In Poser, the manual states there are certain actions that are irreversible, such as in the Face Room when you Apply to Figure. I understand that to mean the original content is overwritten, but is that right? If so, couldn't I just create a duplicate .CR2 file to retain the original? Or even open it in a text editor and retrieve the values? I have yet to try anything like Morphs, etc, bc I don't know enough to avoid a screw-up.
4) I have noticed that certain items, like IBLs, are not possible to select after adding to scene, thus the only way to remove is to Ctrl+Z. They dont show up under lights or objects. How do?
5) Is Inverse Kinematics the reason for jerky movements wgen using the Translate Tools on Arms (and related joints)? Do pros just use the parameter dials? I feel like a sloth trying to arrange these.
6) Is there a way to hotkey camera movements other than the trackball and zoom? I use a hotkey mouse and that would make life so much easier. I might end up getting a 3d mouse, but Im trying to not splurge.
7) What video editing app do most of you use to stitch things together with? I have Lightworks installed, but I'm not sure if there's better (and cheaper options).
8) Any other tips, links, lectures are welcome! :)
The easy question first, for any image or animation that you produce from either Studio or Poser, all rights are yours.
...but only as each individual licence allows.
For example, many free items come with a licence that does not permit use in a commercial project.
I have sorted out your lack of formatting, so now the post is not just a wall of text.
1) Has very little to do with software, it's a question of what skills you have - and which bits you want to do yourself, which bits you will use external content for.
2) Genesis and Genesis 2 Female/Male can be used in Poser via the DSON Importer, as can most (but not all) of their add-ons and many other DS-format items. Look for products with both Poser Companion Files and DSON Core files. Genesis 3 Female/Male and Genesis 8 Female are not Poser-compatible.
3) the item in memory is changed, don't save that back to the original library file but either save as a scene or save as a new library file.
6) Poser 11 should support modifier-drag for camera movement, sine some earlier versions do. I can't recall the defaults - alt/opt-Left drag, I think, or possibly alt/opt-ctrl/cmd/left drag
Thank you.
Sorry, I posted from my phone and it undid all of that.
1) I made my first cup in Blender yesterday! Thanks to a step-by-step tutorial, but I figure it's a start.
2) That's unfortunate that they are not useable in Poser. I wonder if SmithMicro can make anything look like that? I'm out of the backstory.
3) Thanks, that makes sense.
6) Unfortunately, I have only been able to find the zoom and trackball hotkeys. I have a CadMouse and would love to get panning hotkeyed.
Thanks for all the answers!