Files wont show up in Content Library

I have two strange problems.

First, about one third of my files in Figures and Poses, is no longer visible in Content Library.

Second, the camera all of the sudden does not update in a scene, when using the Z translate slider.


  • Are the missing files Poser format or DS Format? Were they all in the saem content directory?

  • DS Format.  DAZ 4.10, does not recogize the folder as DAZ though.  It is listed as a Poser folder.


    Located here "E:\daz 3n4\3.1.2\My DAZ 3D Library" since my Drive C is too small to host all of my DAZ files.

  • If the My Daz 3D Library folder is not listed as a Daz Studio Format content directory add it - right-click on Daz Studio Formats in the content Library pane and select Add Base Directory.

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