Can DAZ Studio load animations via FBX?



  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    I did it.

    I downloaded them all.

    No when Mixamo fades into the distance, I will not be stuck.


    As soon as I get done with my current tasks, I am going to follow @mindsong 's instructions and try downloading them again. Unfortunately, another script that I ran added a bunch of assets and animations to my account. I have 300+ 96-item pages to work my way through. I've tried out some of the animations from the archive in DS, and they are a bit wierd so far. I haven't tried all the formats, though. I keep getting interrupted. :/

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited August 2017

    I did it.

    I downloaded them all.

    No when Mixamo fades into the distance, I will not be stuck.


    As soon as I get done with my current tasks, I am going to follow @mindsong 's instructions and try downloading them again. Unfortunately, another script that I ran added a bunch of assets and animations to my account. I have 300+ 96-item pages to work my way through. I've tried out some of the animations from the archive in DS, and they are a bit wierd so far. I haven't tried all the formats, though. I keep getting interrupted. :/

    yay boingo! I think these are good enough to warrant the effort. I hope we are right!

    good luck firewarden! I've got about 100 pages (x96) to DL too. Just keeping busy and clicking 'em off in the background... Let me know if you run into any more issues or need clarification of the steps I took.

    FWIW, the only version of the BVHs I could get to 'process' were the 'keyframe reduction=none' - at least from an FBX-based uploaded character. No biggie, but others may feel better if it doesn't work for them either.



    Post edited by mindsong on
  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    edited August 2017
    mindsong said:

    I did it.

    I downloaded them all.

    No when Mixamo fades into the distance, I will not be stuck.


    As soon as I get done with my current tasks, I am going to follow @mindsong 's instructions and try downloading them again. Unfortunately, another script that I ran added a bunch of assets and animations to my account. I have 300+ 96-item pages to work my way through. I've tried out some of the animations from the archive in DS, and they are a bit wierd so far. I haven't tried all the formats, though. I keep getting interrupted. :/

    yay boingo! I think these are good enough to warrant the effort. I hope we are right!

    good luck firewarden! I've got about 100 pages (x96) to DL too. Just keeping busy and clicking 'em off in the background... Let me know if you run into any more issues or need clarification of the steps I took.

    FWIW, the only version of the BVHs I could get to 'process' were the 'keyframe reduction=none' - at least from an FBX-based uploaded character. No biggie, but others may feel better if it doesn't work for them either.




    Your instructions made sense to me, and I've been able to download animations. I've been deleting some of what was added to my account. (I didn't realize that one script would add the Mixamo models and their animations.

    The website has been very unstable for me; I don't think it's my internet. It's vacilated between almost instantaneous, a few minutes between refreshes, and at one point the Mixamo website didn't respond for almost an hour.

    It's on me, because I debated and procrastinated on whether to download these, but I think I'll get most of what I want, if not all.

    Thank you again! For some reason, I found the original instructions confusing. (But that's probably on me also.) Your instructions were awesomely complete.

    Post edited by firewarden on
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited August 2017
    mindsong said:

    I did it.

    I downloaded them all.

    No when Mixamo fades into the distance, I will not be stuck.


    As soon as I get done with my current tasks, I am going to follow @mindsong 's instructions and try downloading them again. Unfortunately, another script that I ran added a bunch of assets and animations to my account. I have 300+ 96-item pages to work my way through. I've tried out some of the animations from the archive in DS, and they are a bit wierd so far. I haven't tried all the formats, though. I keep getting interrupted. :/

    yay boingo! I think these are good enough to warrant the effort. I hope we are right!

    good luck firewarden! I've got about 100 pages (x96) to DL too. Just keeping busy and clicking 'em off in the background... Let me know if you run into any more issues or need clarification of the steps I took.

    FWIW, the only version of the BVHs I could get to 'process' were the 'keyframe reduction=none' - at least from an FBX-based uploaded character. No biggie, but others may feel better if it doesn't work for them either.




    Your instructions made sense to me, and I've been able to download animations. I've been deleting some of what was added to my account. (I didn't realize that one script would add the Mixamo models and their animations.

    The website has been very unstable for me; I don't think it's my internet. It's facilated between almost instantaneous, a few minutes between refreshes, and at one point the Mixamo website didn't respond for almost an hour.

    It's on me, because I debated and procrastinated on whether to download these, but I think I'll get most of what I want, if not all.

    Thank you again! For some reason, I found the original instructions confusing. (But that's probably on me also.) Your instructions were awesomely complete.

    good news, that!

    nice to 'give some back' to the good folks around here.

    while the tools help, it's still a grind... I just noticed my V4fbx BVH exports have a pile of strange bones, but the M4fbx and A3fbx BVHs look normal, so I decided to grab the M4fbx BVHs to get a good 'normal' run on that skeleton family, rather than have but not be able to use the V4 versions. Another 26 pages... heh.

    I've got my assembly line set up so I can do 'other life' and grab a page or two every time I walk by the machine.

    Good luck grabbing the ones you want! You've got a couple more days, so you may prevail!

    The site has been quite solid for me. I hope it clears up on your side soon!

    ETA - when I was experimenting with FBX export/downloads, the site was very flakey for me. With simple BVH's it's really fast and consistent.



    Post edited by mindsong on
  • I'll agree that it was a grind.

    It took three days to get everything into my assets, and another two days to actually download them.

    It saddens me that the animal motions that used to be on the site disappeared shortly after Adobe took over.  I would have liked to have had them too.  Animal motions are so hard to find.

  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257

          I'm sorry, this comes a little late, There is a way of doing this easier.  There is an addon for FireFox called "Download them all".  It will download all files on a page.  With this it took a minute or two to download 96 items at a time.  I had to restart the process several times per page but that was just a click of the button.  There are also alot of files with the same name but, there was a setting for that as well.  If they continue in a similar way, I hope someone will find this usefull.


  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257

        Here is a question, has anyone found a way of automating the process of getting the animations into Studio?  I went through the PDF by firewarden, and it seems fairly simple,  but doing that for almost 8000 files would be painfull.  I got a set fo FBX files for Genesis, G2f and G2M.  

       Does anyone Know if the liscense agreement alows sharing the content?  If it does I have a few of those animal motions for the dragon, the wolf and, the horse.  They are in the FBX format.


  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    edited August 2017

    I downloaded a set of FBX files for A3, H3, V4.2, M4, Genesis, G2F, and G2M. I didn't even realize there were animal aniblocks until the other day when someone mentioned it.

    I believe it's against the TOS share them per the Mixamo license, as someone else could not share the V4, M4 skeletons/rigging that Mixamo used to have because that violated the license agreement. EDITED: That may only have had to do with the meshes. I've no clue. Since the human animations were free for all who signed up for a free account, that's a bit different, I'd think...

    As far as getting the animations into DS, I just use them as I need them, importing whatever motion I need. Do you mean automatically converted to aniblocks? That would be nice, but I've personally not heard of a way to do that automatically. (Not that it means much, as I haven't considered or looked into that possibility.) If you find a way, please share! 

    Post edited by firewarden on
  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257

         The animal Blocks and meshes were from a long time ago when it first went free.  At the time, unfortunately, I didn't pay too mnuch attention to them and only "bought" a few.  If I do find a way to import them autoimatically, I will post it.  Thank YOU for the PDF you created.


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    I was curious and went back to see what the 'new' mixamo looks like, and it looks like account holders can still pick characters from the mixamo character collection, or you can still upload characters (per that session?), and then select and save FBX or collada animations from the entire collection, free and one at a time, but instantly/on-demand. Generally the same interface and options.

    Thanks to all for helping hack through the onerous acquisition process. Y'all were generous and helpful with your tricks and tips!

    @firewarden, thanks again for putting that PDF 'howto' together. With the current mixamo options, it's still quite useful and relevant.



  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    You're more than welcome, @mindsong & @Gusf1. I just wanted to share the help that Arnold C gave me, as I was stuck before he helped. (And Arnold C kindly gave me permission to share his instructions along with mine in the PDF.)  

    I just logged into Mixamo and found that it still had the G2M character I uploaded during my last session, so while you can't store characters, it saves the last one you were using. I had hoped that Mixamo would remain usable, which it has. But I'm still glad I downloaded all the animations, as I'm wondering at Mixamo's future with Adobe having Fuse, Premiere, Character Animator, and Photoshop.  Anyone know?

    Here's an additional tip that Arnold C shared later that I haven't tested as I haven't been working on this project:

    I just discovered something odd: an animation from a from DAZ Studio exported and to Mixamo imported Genesis 2 Base Figure could be applied to the Genesis 2 Figure when it is saved in DAZ Studio as a (animated) Pose Preset from the imported Mixamo FBX. The workflow is the same as before and described in your PDF.


    1. Import the from Mixamo animated FBX into DAZ Studio, using the "" option.
    2. Choose "File", "Save As" and than the "Pose Preset..." option. From the "Pose Preset Save Options" choose "Animated Range" and save it.
    3. Clear the scene and load an orignal Genesis 2 Figure.
    4. Apply the just saved animated Pose Preset.

    The animation in DAZ Studio looks now very identical to that what's shown in the Mixamo previewer. I tested that workflow with several different Mixamo animations, all look very well. It does not work with a from the FBX's saved aniBlock or BVH file, only as an animated Pose Preset. Very odd. Unfortunately, a saved aniBlock made from that contains strong jittering, so you'd have to create your animated scenes using some smart cuts using a collection of animated Pose Presets only.

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