Movie blurry movement in daz animations

in New Users
There is any option to make the movement of a character more "blurry" while animating in DAZ like the movies? See the example in the image attached please. Thanks

1600 x 900 - 3M
I found this animation on Youtube
What I'm trying to do is making the transition between movements more soft/blurry like the movies. I tried with 15/24/30/60 fps and tweak every option in the camera but I can't make this effect. I use iray
The animation above doesn't have it. I have attached a image showing what I'm trying to achieve when a character is moving fast
Not sure but you could try a very narrow depth of field where the camera stays focused on the eyes very narrowly or not focused at all but just follows the action.
The easiest way to achieve a motion blur is to add it in post through a program like After Effects. I'm not even sure the depth of field choices in Daz Studio will add motion blur.
One thing that comes to mind is that if you created a very short animation with the appropriate portions of the character moving and rendered it out to N frames, you could then post process the frames together using Photoshop, GIMP or equivalent by "averaging" the frames together. The non-moving parts would end up crisp because they'd be the same in every frame, while the moving parts would look blurred as a result of the frame-to-frame differences. Granted, that requires more than just Daz Studio, but...