View outside missing
Hi people. I'm new to this and obviously having problems.
I purchased The Upper living room by Tesla3dCorp to use and when I checked it, all seemed fine. However, yesterday I loaded it up and the outside view is not showing up. I looked for an image to load up but I cant seem to find one. The only Image I can see related to it is loaded in the render settings under environment which is entitled DTHDR-RuinsB etc. I wont get into why this isnt the image, you know.
So I am pretty sure that when I first loaded it, the view was there and now it isnt. Any help in finding where it is and how to attach it back into the right place would be much appreciated. Or do I have to buy imges for this ?
I cant imagine how I would get the right im age if that is the case because on the corner aspect of the view.
Anyway thats another question for another time maybe. Thanks in advance.
I looked at the store page for the scene and it doesn't look like it comes with any image. You would have to either use a background image that you have on your computer (Environment tab (not the render environment), set the dropdown to backdrop, then find an image) or load an HDRI image under the render settings environment.
Hmm thanks. As I said though, I'm pretty sure that when I first loaded it up after puchase, the scenery was there. That was about a month or so ago as I am purchasing things as I can.
The description of the item itself states that " This place has everything you could want from a living room, where you can see and witness the beautiful sunset outside." ( taken directly from the description)
Now the fact that it says the beautiful sunset outside tends to imply that a specific image is available. Else it should just infer an image such as saying " the beautiful view"
However, I have no environment folder so there is no image to apply. I'll look around and see if I can find a suitable image.
Thanks again .
Found the tab you were talking about. Also downloaded geolocator and a Dystopia city blocks. I can at least get a sky going now, the city blocks are not selectable as far as I can see and I read they are not meant to be a large area anyway so I'll continue looking. Eventually I will get there :)